My Friends

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~

Jim Johnston- You're Gonna Pay

The scene opens up inside Green Mansion and we see Foley Anderson and Barney Green talking.

Foley: Can you believe it? You are coming back to the XWF to take on Mr. Amazing at Purple Haze.

Barney: You know it. Mr. Amazing, who ever you are. You better be ready as Mean Green is back and I am going to show you some Ramblin' Fever in the ring when I lay you out myself. I may not be a big name like Eric Anderson or Drake Komodo but I have gone toe to toe with big names like Chad. I was part of the Lords of Impact. I am ready to go and have no fear of what goes down as you are a nobody. Foley, have you gotten the details down, yet?

Foley: What are you talking about? That was your job..

Barney: Never mind. I have this planned out in my head.

Foley: You are a fool. What exactly do you have planned?

Barney: I have a big sexy party planned in which I am going to take my shirt off and start dancing.

Foley: You do that and I will have you committed to the nuthouse. Seriously, focus man. I will be at the party later on.

Barney: I got a big guest planned to show up at my big party. The Man.. The Myth.. Bob Saget.

Foley: How exactly do you know Bob Saget anyway?

Barney: Umm... Ladies and Gentlemen.. I think it is time we go to commercial.

Barney: Welcome back. As you have probably heard, Mr. Amazing wants a piece of me. He won't get a piece of me. He will get my whole fist jammed down his throat.

Foley: That is true. I think you can beat him. Everyone knows the Amazing Saints were a fluke. Boondock Saint carried the team hands down. Mr. Amazing is a nobody. He is the biggest joke of them all.

Barney: Yeah.. I agree with you. That jive turkey will be dancing in sledgehammer street. I am one of the true icons of dancing and wrestling. "Vicious" Vinnie James.. Mr. Amazing...Whatever you want to call yourself. Go ahead but it's not going to change the fact that you are a washed up hasbeen with nothing left in this business. Your days are numbered and I am rising to the top. No more Barney Green, the jobber. I am pretty confident that Chasm could beat you in a match.

Barney Green gets up. He walks towards the front door. He grabs his coat off the coat rack and places it on. He walks out the front door. He enters his limo and the limo starts driving down the street. Barney picks up the phone inside the limo and dials a number.

Barney: Hello? Listen, I am going to need some help to prepare for my match against Mr. Amazing. Can you round up some old friends of mine to help me train for this match? Thank you. Those people are perfect to help me get ready. Meet me at Slammer's in about 10 minutes.

The limo drives towards Slammers. The limo parks into a spot. Barney Green gets out the limo ready to go. He enters the gym and starts lifting weights.

Jeff: Well.. Well.. It looks like Barney Green is coming back to fight Mr. Amazing at Purple Haze.

Platinum: Betta than gold baby.

Barney: You better believe it folks. It has been too long. Jeff Night and Platinum. 2 of my oldest friends in this business. I take it you got my message. Who else is coming to the party tonight?

Jeff: Manny The Manly Manatee. Your former manager. Sean Memphis, a former star in the Vegas area. Shane "The Dragon" Simpson. Rick Williams. Barry White.

Platinum: Betta Than Gold, baby. Seriously though, good luck at Purple Haze.

Barney: Wow.. A lot of my old friends are showing up to celebrate. I can't believe this. It has been a long time since I have seen Shane Simpson. I got the drive for this. Its time to party on and I have the steam to last against Mr. Amazing. He is the real fool in this match. Everyone knows that. You know it. I know it. In fact, lets look at the big picture here. He is no good.

Jeff: I believe in you like Foley Anderson does. You are a great guy inside and outside of the ring.

Platinum: Betta Than Gold, Baby.

Associate: Welcome to Wal*Mart. Let me check your receipt, dammit. I know you are stealing.

Barney: The Associate. It has been too long, my friend. I have missed you.

Associate: I have come by to help you get ready for Mr. Amazing. If you are ready, give me a hell yeah.

Barney: Hell Yeah! I am ready to train and kick Mr. Amazing's ass all over the building. I got the moves to do so and I can out dance you fools. My adrenaline is so high right now because I am ready for the biggest match of my career against Mr. Amazing of all people. I mean, the last two people didn't want to fight you so they backed out and I wound up fighting you as a favor to a good friend of mine. Eric Anderson. You think you have me beat but I have your number in this encounter and welcome to my personal hell. You wanted to start with me and guess what, you have awakened the beast within me. I have wondered day to day if I could rise up against the big boys and guess what, I can do it and I will not back down. I may not have wrestled in months but I can still kick your ass. My name is Barney Green and when we meet in the ring, I am going to kick your ass and then jam my foot up your ass. I am going to be your worst nightmare in the ring. I will bring the pain. Your blood will be spilt for the sins you have committed in the ring. You are about as vicious as a poodle. What is so amazing about you anyway? All I see is a loser who can't match my skills in the ring.

Associate: Exactly. I remember when you worked for Wal*Mart for a day. You caused the place to lose a lot of business because of your stupidity.

Barney: Hey! Wait a minute.. I am not stupid.. ooh a nickel. yay!

Associate: I rest my case.

Platinum: Betta than gold, baby.

Jeff: Barney Green is a great wrestler in this business. You gave us a lot of great advice over the years.

Associate: Like what?

Barney: Never carry a bill higher then a 10 on you.

Associate: Back to work.

Jeff: Later Associate. See you at the party tonight.

Barney: There is a party tonight? Oh yeah. I forgot for a minute there. But you know what, who cares? I am better then most of Anarchy anyway. Let's look at Mr. Amazing and examine his career. He is a no talent hack.

Platinum: Betta than gold, baby.

Jeff: Exactly. Barney Green is better then gold.

Barney: Thank you. Now lets get on down to the party.

Jeff: As I used to say in my manager days, "The Night is still young."

Platinum: Damn straight, Night. Jeff, you were one of the greatest managers my career ever had.

Barney: What? No betta than gold, baby? Seriously, Lets get onto the party.

Barney Green, Jeff Night, and Platinum head outside of the gym. Green heads to his limo. Night and Platinum follow into the limo. The limo starts up and drives onto the street. Barney Green grabs a bottle of Rolling Rock from inside the minibar. He takes a swig.

Barney: You know something, guys. If it wasn't for all of your help throughout my career. I would still just be Barnet Green. Barnet Green is my birth name but people saw different and started calling me Barney Green. I grew to accept it and that is the only name I answer to.

Platinum: Yeah. I hear you. In my era of wrestling, people had dumb names like Gold Superstar and crap like that. I took on the name Platinum as a joke and it became a success.

Jeff: When I started out in this business, my name was just The Night. What happened was the ring announcer messed up my name and it was Jeff The Night and eventually became Jeff Night which worked.

Barney: We have all had strange things happen in our careers. I never thought my dancing videos would have made me popular in the wrestling world. Look! Here we are.. The Old Green Arena in Las Vegas. I owned it but due to NECW never taking off, it has just sat there and collected dust. That is where the party is happening. I wonder who else has shown up. Foley Anderson said he would be there.

The limo pulls into the parking lot of the Green Arena. Barney Green, Jeff Night, and Platinum get out of the limo. Green is leading the way to the arena. He reaches his hand into his pocket and grabs his key. He unlocks the door and heads inside the arena. He notices the lights are turned on near the ring and walks towards the ring with Night and Platinum following him. He comes down the ramp and starts to think back into the past.


Barney Green is making his way down the ramp and he is getting cheered. Entering the ring slowly to the cheers of the audience. He gets ready to face Terry Rouke in a Vegas City Brawl.

Flashback over.

Foley: Hi, Barney. It's been a long friendship we have had over the years and I give you credit for not giving up. You even extended my career and offered me a job. You have been a top class guy.

Manny: Same here, Barn. You have really aided my career well.

Barney: You guys have really helped me in your own ways. Foley, you showed me the old ways of wrestling. You and Terry both did. Terry may have passed away but he will always live on in spirit. Foley, without you, my career would have probably failed. Manny, you were my first real manager that showed me a few things about myself. I could have fun in the ring. Jeff Night and Platinum, you both taught me how to tag team wrestle well. The Associate, you gave me a job at a time when I was struggling to feed myself. Shane Simpson, we had some memorable fights over the years. Barry White, you and I both go way back over the years. You gave me one of my first gigs in Wrestling and I thank you for that. Where I lived, my family didn't really understand me. I have always been the type of person that will walk through the front door instead of using the back door. They tried to teach me to be a bit more laidback. You know what though, It did work a little bit. I live by one rule and that is, "I will listen to your problems if you listen to me afterwards." Granted, it hasn't always worked over the years but I still have the respect and friendship in this business. I invited you all to this party for a few reasons. Some of them are because you guys really helped me in your own ways and others are just I like to party. Without further delay, I thank you for all your help over the years and may we have many more together. Thanks for the memories over the years.

Barney Green and Foley Anderson stand in the ring. Barney and Foley shake hands. The crowd cheers.

Barry: Barney, if it wasn't for you back in the day, VCW wouldn't have been a success. I thank you for all that you have done over the years and hope you can beat Mr. Amazing. In fact, I know you can do it.

Associate: I think you can do it as well.

Sean: I credit you with a lot. You also do a good job when you cohost Best of VCW with me occasionally. I thank you for your support.

Foley: You have always proved time and time again that you can match the big guys over the years. I thank you for always being there for me and for everyone else. This party is dedicated to you, Barney Green.

Barney Green and his friends go back to dancing and celebrating as the scene fades to black.