Addicted To Love Pt. 1

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


The scene opens up inside Green Mansion, a new house that Green had bought in Boston during his hiatus from the wrestling business. The room we are in is the living room which has a 52 Dynex Television set along with multiple different gaming systems and a nice black couch. We then see Mistress Randi, dressed in a pink halter top and tight blue jeans with black stilettos, sitting on the couch and she goes to speak.

Randi: Hey, Slave! This card won't let me purchase this cute shirt I want. It keeps saying it's maxed. Can you explain why that is?

Barney Green, dressed in a pair of overalls with a black shirt on underneath and black and pink sneakers with his collar on, enters the room and goes to speak.

Barney: I gotta have a nice chat with them later on the phone. Can you please stop raising this debt, Mistress?

Randi: You knew this when you met me. I deserve the finer things in life and could care less what happens to you. This house isn't even in your name. It is in my name. I choose to let you live here because you pay the bills and do everything for me. I could find somebody else to replace you. You pathetic loser. You treat me with respect when you talk to me, bitch.

Barney: Sorry, Mistress. I will find another card you can use. How much in the shirt?

Randi: You are forgiven slave. It's only three hundred dollars.

Greens eyes go bug-eyed for a second as his heart rate increase a little bit. Randi just looks at him.

Barney: Okay. Try my Amex card. That should be good to use. I paid it off this month. Now all I gotta worry about is my Mastercard, Visa and Discover cards. Ah well, Time to go to work. Can you please remove this collar, Mistress?

Green moves closer to Randi and hands over his Amex card and takes back his Visa Card. He reaches for his wallet in his right pocket and pulls it out. He opens it and places his Visa Card inside of it. He places his wallet in his pocket and gets down on his knees.

Randi: Good. I have taught you well. I will remove your collar so you can go to work but I get to buy another pair of shoes. You understand?

Barney: Yes, Mistress. Thank you for taking the collar off.

Randi takes the collar off of Greens neck and Green gets up.

Randi: You are dismissed for now. Now, go make me more money!

Green walks out the living room and grabs his keys off the dining room table and heads out the door. Green heads towards the Night Mobile which Jeff Night is driving. Green opens the door and gets in. Green puts on his seatbelt and Jeff puts the Night Mobile into drive. The Night Mobile takes heading towards its destination.

Barney: Thank you for picking me up, Jeff. I appreciate your help in this business with me.

Jeff: No problem, man. I got the tools we need in the back. A ladder, some paint brushes, a roller and the paint for this assignment. Luckily for you, it's only a block away from where you live now. How can you afford this house?

Barney: I sould all my possessions for the most part. The only thing I got left is a Dropkick Murphy's poster and my clothes. Mistress Randi spends all my money on herself. I essentially sleep on the couch while she sleeps in a Simmonds queen sized mattress. It's worth it though. I love her that much that money is not an issue with me. She helped me beat my alcohol addiction.

Jeff: I think you are addicted to love now because I wouldn't go through with a relationship like that but if you are happy, I can't hate on you for that. I will just ask you where your balls are.

Barney: Very funny, smart ass. Other than that, I am making a comeback to the wrestling industry. I plan on making a few appearances on Massacre and an appearance on Anarchy. I really need the money. I got debt collectors from Discover, Mastercard, Visa.. Everybody is calling me trying to get money from me. I need to compensate somewhere. It should be easy though facing off against The Green Ranger though this week. All I gotta do to that wannabe wrestler is lock on The Green Dream. I am ready and able to go the distance against that fool. Show him what a three hundred and fifteen pound wrecking ball can do in the ring. Make him tap easily.

Jeff: Good luck, man. Just do your best out there and win. I have seen you wrestle and you are good when you want to be. You gotta find that consistency soon or else you will wind up in the poor house.

Barney: I got this is the bag. The Boston Brawler is alive and well now that I am sober due to money problems. Green Ranger. I was doing that gimmick back in 2008 when I got drunk. I would get drunk and dress up as the Green Ranger.

Green pulls a picture out of his wallet.

Barney: He will be lucky if he is able to walk away after infringing upon my gimmick. Granted, I don't do it anymore but I find it funny how that pops up instead of the Pink Ranger or the Red Ranger. I think he is more of a Pink Ranger if you know what I mean. That idiot walking around is a disgrace.

Jeff: I agree, man. You ready to start painting this house?

Barney: Ready as I ever will be. Let's get it started. I will ring the doorbell and let them know we are here.

Jeff Night pulls into the driveway and turns the Night Mobile off. Green gets out the van and heads towards the front door of the one floor house. He walks towards it as Jeff Night climbs out the van. Green reaches the door and knocks on it. Jeff Night opens the trunk and starts pulling out the stuff. The neighbor answers the door.

Neighbor: Can I help you?

Barney: Hi. Yes, I am here to paint your house. You requested it be painted burgundy as we discussed over the phone. You met my partner, Jeff Night, in person and determined a color.

Neighbor: Glad you are here. Remember, if you make a mistake, it will be deducted from your pay. I want this whole house done. Can you handle it?

Barney: We can do that no problem for you. It will be done in four hours.

Neighbor: Sounds good. Go for it.

The scene fades to black as the neighbor goes back inside and Green gets ready to start painting the house.