Taste of Things to Come 1/2

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~

Slipknot- Psychosocial

:::I am walking through Green Mansion cleaning up the place to get into shape because quite frankly, my last match was in GCW against Barney Green and Green pulled out the win by sheer luck because I taught him everything he knew in this business. Fans have always been cheap like that when it comes down to it because they don't miss you when you leave yet you return and they remember you suddenly. I am the same person I once was in this business just slightly older and half my hair is gone. Shame it is I know. I am walking down a flight of stairs and I miss a step and fall down the rest as Barney Green shows up.:::

Barney: What in tarnation is the matter with you. You clumsy bastard. Are you okay?

Foley: Of course I am okay. You know I trained you in this business. At least I didn't break the ring.

Barney: You win this round. You are being a jive turkey.

Foley: You are the bigger jive turkey here, whitey. What are you going to do?

Barney: I am kidding around with you, baldy.

Foley: Oh really, fatty. At least I can step into the ring without it needing steel supports.

Barney: Thats it, I am going to Denny's.

Foley: Have fun while you are at it. By the way, We are out of Oatmeal Creme Pies. Can you pick some up while you are out.

Barney: All ready? Thats the fifth box this week. You really need to cool it down with those because they don't grow on trees. I don't know how you can eat those like nothing and not gain a pound. You think you can take Sentinel?

Foley: I didn't even know Sentinel was a word until I met that jive turkey. That honky can't match up to me in the ring because he is a fool and a joke. He thinks he can insult me but he isn't original like myself. He calls me kiddo again and he will be wrestling in the diva's division when I am through with him. My worsed nightmare? Okay. I think you mean worse nightmare, whitey. It won't be my worse nightmare. It will be your worse nightmare when I bury my fist deep into your throat and leave you laying in the ring. You talk about making an Impact but remember, when you mess with me, you mess with Barney Green. You mess with Hawaiian HardHead. You mess with Chad. The Lords of Impact run Impact now and we will mop the floor with you and whoever is dumb enough to team with you. You don't have my number because I don't own a phone. Andersonmania is running wild and I am going to lay you out in the middle of the ring and pin you. You aren't the best Impact has. You know it so why lie to yourself? Go ahead and bring Big Momma to the ring like she is going to do anything. I am the best around in this business. You better prepare yourself for the biggest ass kicking I have ever given someone. That is the truth and go ahead and talk all the shit you want because that aint stopping me from murdering you in the ring. You are one person and Lords of Impact is 4. I am one of the oldest people on this roster and I promise you a beating. You can't match up to my league and you never will.