The scene opens up inside of Green Mansion and we see Barney Green and Foley Anderson sitting on the couch watching Green's match from Hell On Earth. The Associate walks into the room while this is going on.
Foley: I can't believe what happened at Hell on Earth. You lost to Mia and lost your belt.
Barney: That is no big deal compared to what that Dante Anglais punk did. He took MR WS's Hart Title. That was a piece of shit move. Dante, you better be listening to what I am saying to you because you took my friend's belt. I will break you in half. Your calling me a loser. I am better then you. I am twice the man then you. To the so called "anti-christ", I don't fear you. You know how many people have claimed to be the anti-christ. Its so boring. I am a card carrying atheist so that doesn't scare me. You think you are going to climb the mountain and get an easy win out of me, you got another thing coming because guess what? I am not a jobber. I will hurt you for taking my friends belt.
Associate: I think you have this match in the bag. All you really have to do is plan out your moves and land them.
Foley: It is a simple process.
Barney: Don't you worry. I got a plan he doesn't know about but lets just say this is my last night as Barney Green. I will be right back.
Barney heads upstairs as we focus on Foley and Associates conversation.
Foley: So you think he has the match?
Associate: I saw Dante's so called thoughts when I watched his promo. He should learn to be a bit more quiet. He is a joke.
Foley: I wonder what he has planned this time. I remember back when he was Mr. Spectacular. Is that what he could be doing now?
Associate: Mr. Spectacular was an epic gimmick though on the indy scene.
Barney walks back downstairs wearing a black and white singlet with Spectacular going down the back. He has on a pair of sunglasses.
Barney: Barney Green is dead now.. Say hello to Mr. Spectacular.
Foley: I should have known you were going to do this. Mr. Spectacular was a great gimmick.
Mr. Spectacular: You better believe it. The bitch is back. Mr. Spectacular. Dante, you thought you could match my skill in the ring. You aren't because I am better then you. I am just as crazy as you but twice as smart. You are just a bitch. You took out MR WS when he wasn't looking because you were a bitch about it. You snuck in after he had a match and won the Hart Championship. You better guard that belt because after I destroy your ass in the ring, I am taking the belt and giving it back to MR WS. I am a better wrestler then you. I don't fear the dark. Dante, you are stepping into a situation where you will lose. Sorry but you have a snowball in hell chance of beating the Spectacular One.
Associate: I believe that because that is a promo of a champion.
Foley: Exactly.
Mr. Spectacular: There are more important things I could be doing right now. In fact, this promo is over.