Welcome to Episode Two: The Meanest of Times. I refuse to act all hard like those tough guys with muscles upon muscles and tattoos galore. I would rather be a soft guy. The lone good guy in the batch of many bad guys.
I admit I have made many mistakes in my career but you learn over time on what it means to be a man and to be a wrestler. I admit I don't provide a good image because of my love of the liquor but I am only human. Its human nature to have a vice or problem that plagues you. Yeah, I am fat and could stand to lose a few pounds but like I told my doctor, "I lose weight when I feel like it."
I came back home for a reason. Time to make my impact and prove I can shine. DO I see myself wrestling into my forties? Nah, Because I think I will be lucky to make it to my thirties wrestling. I am pretty much a bump machine due to my high pain tolerance.
I remember challenging for the World Title in World Wrestling Generation and the night before I was to step into the ring, I went in surgery to remove a kidney stone. Next night, I stepped into the ring bandaged up and gave my blood, sweat, and tears in the ring. I rose to the occasion but didn't win. I also wound up injuring my neck in a later match and had to take a minor break to rehab it.
Foley Anderson split from my life because I no longer need his guidance and he always took Ryou's side while I sat there waiting in the limelight for my chance to prove myself. No matter what I did. What I said. Ryou was always right. I wound up leaving and going through pain to get where I am.
My memory may fade one day but the scars on my body won't. Hockey is the true sport I loved but I will never be a hockey player in the NHL due to that ankle injury I suffered playing when I was younger. I gained weight slowly because I stopped caring about how I looked.
I settled for wrestling because I also loved the sport. Foley Anderson wound up training me. I credit him for helping me master the basics of wrestling. I later met Jeff Night at a show in Brooklyn. He is a decent manager. He never really managed me but we pretty much became decent friends in the business. He managed Platinum Deathwish, A movie star turned wrestler. He lived his gimmick outside of the ring. Sadly, he wound up losing everything when a one night stand went wrong and he found out he was a dad. I loaned him $500 and he never paid me back. He practically disappeared. Even Jeff Night lost touch with him. Night eventually moved in with me.
The scene opens up inside of an Alleyway in Boston and we see Barney Green, dressed in a black and green XWF t-shirt with black khakis and black sneakers, getting ready to speak. There is an XWF Cameraman getting ready to start filming. He signals Green. Green takes a quick swig from his bottle of Rolling Rock and goes to speak.
Barney: XWF... You saw what happened at Bring The Pain. I brought the pain to The Dark Shadow. He is a good guy that is loaded with raw talent that will one day shine through. I am going into Elevation with him and Xuanlong as my partners. I don't have much of a problem with it because they both can learn from a veteran like myself.
Green stops talking for a second and takes another swig from his bottle of Rolling Rock.
Barney: I am facing Killjoy..The Prince of Pranks. You are a funny guy. I will give you that but you are no match for the heart I bring into the ring. I make people laugh too. Johnny Legend.. You can bring up what I did in my past all you want. You are jealous of the fact that I wear my heart on my sleeve. That I am willing to help and protect people I consider friends. Poetic Death.. Welcome back and I see yuo are still spouting the same stuff you did back in 2008. Good to see you again.
Green walks up towards a trash can and knocks it over with a swift kick.
Barney: Time for me to take out the trash come Elevation. I represent Boston and I will continue to represent until the day I die. I have no fear against any of my opponents. I step into this match as the underdog and will show you the heart of a true wrestler. I may not be the toughest wrestler but as long as the fans keep chanting my name, I will find a way to keep getting back up.
Green takes one final swig on the bottle of Rolling Rock. He steps towards the brick wall and cracks the bottle over his head. Green, crystal shards of the bottle fall towards the ground raining from his head, goes to speak.
Barney: Pain is temporary. Fame lasts forever. It lasts a lifetime and come Elevation, I will prove why you should never doubt the underdog. I will walk with my head held high and proud of what I accomplish. I am Barney Green.