The scene opens back up inside the Gym and we see Green and Night still staring at each other. Green, with rage in his eyes, goes to speak.
Barney: I expect your crap gone from my apartment when I get home. Just leave. I don't want you here anymore.
Jeff: Why? All I did was try to motivate you.
Barney: All you did was try to fucking kill me, you bastard. I am done talking to you. Just leave. I will find a way home and I can afford the apartment without you.
Jeff: A fat drunk like you can't afford crap. How many times have you been late on the rent? All you do is get shitfaced at bars and pick up trannies.
Barney: At least I have a stable job unlike you. At least I work on a regular basis. I may have sex with trannies and I may be a drunk but at least I can support myself. The last client you had was a braindead idiot who always said, "Betta Than Gold, baby." and thats it.
Night goes to walk away but lunges at Green instead with a tackle. Green dodges the tackle and Night hits the wall instead. Dazed, Green locks in the Green Dream.
Barney: You gonna behave or do I have to knock you out with this move.
Jeff: Fine.. I will leave.
Green lets go and Night walks off while Green just stands there. Night exits the building leaving Green to work out a bit in peace as the scene fades to black.
That problem between me and Jeff Night will never be solved. He always tries to undermine me. I may be an idiot but there are only so many times you can insult me before I finally snap. He nearly killed me just standing there leaving weight crushing my windpipe. Luckily, I managed to get free.
I managed to pull out the win against Chasm despite having that falling out with Jeff Night. The blood ran deep in that match hence why I was able to pull off that move from the top rope. I was gonna win that match. Nothing was gonna stop me that night.
I am nothing more than a simple man. You can call me what you want but thats fine with me. I will keep getting back up as long the fans keep chanting my name. No matter how much pain I have to put myself through. Pain is temporary.
I came here to get drunk and wrestle. It seems I am all out of beer though so I will step into the ring come Elevation against Nio and Neptune. Kyle Shane is my partner. I don't see why I need a partner when I can easily handle those two idiots. Maybe I should talk about Mark Breeze. I mean.. Neptune.. Mr. Deadly Feet. Deadly feet is right. I am scared of getting those feet shoved in my face because they smell really bad. I mean seariously. Time to get some foot spray. I don't need to be smelling that crap.
Now, you got Nio. What can I say about him? Its a mystery in a way. He expects everything to be given to him. You are a spoiled little brat. Back in my day, You had to earn your way to Anarchy or Massacre from Impact. I busted my ass off on Impact to get moved up and it never happened because I left due to a minor contract disagreement. I worked my ass off on the independent scene. You just waltzed right in and got put on Elevation as Anarchy, Massacre, and Impact are gone.
The difference between you and I are I am willing to admit that I am not a great wrestler. I am still learning the ropes in a way. I have wrestled in different places and all over the world. I didn't like touring Japan though. The bathrooms were terrible. They were trying to fit a tank inside a parking garage. Not gonna work.
The scene opens up inside McGreevy's where we see Green, dressed in a black and green XWF shirt with blue jeans and black sneakers, sitting on a bar stool. He reaches for his shot glass. The one true friend he can on. He pounds back the shot with no effort at all. He places the glass down and calls for another shot when he is approached by a familiar face.
Barney: I know who you are. You are Yasmin Lee.
Yasmin: Thats right, sugar.
Barney: Can I buy you a drink?
Yasmin: Sure. I will take a strawberry daiquiri.
Barney: Hey, bartender. Get my friend a strawberry daiquiri.
Bartender: Sure thing, Barn. Anything for you?
Barney: Just another shot of whiskey, please.
Bartender: Sure thing, Barn.
The bartender walks away as Yasmin sits next to Barney.
Yasmin: You seem a bit troubled.
Barney: It's nothing really. I just had a falling out with my former friend.
Yasmin: Thats rough. Maybe I can make you forget your troubles tonight.
Barney: That sounds good actually. Lets head back to my place in a bit. It's been a bit lonely over there since Jeff moved out.
Yasmin: Sounds good.
The bartender shows back up and hands them their drinks.
Barney: So, What made you decide to come to Boston, tonight?
Yasmin: I have a photo shoot coming up in two days in Boston.
Barney: You are welcome to stay at my place if you want.
Yasmin: That sounds cool.
Barney: Hey, Bartender. Can I get my bill?
Bartender: Certainly, Barn. That will be two hundred and twenty-five dollars.
Barney pulls out his wallet and pulls out three hundred dollars and hands it over.
Barney: Keep the change.
Bartender: Come back soon, Barn.
Barney and Yasmin head out the bar. Barney gets into his car and Yasmin follows suit. He starts the car and turns on the radio as The Pogues starts playing.
Barney: Time to go home.
Yasmin: Yeah and I got a treat for you.
The scene fades to black as Barney and Yasmin head to his home.
I step into Elevation as the underdog like I always do. I am the hardworking american. The guy that gets shit on while corporate america gets bailed out by the government. I am considered the bad guy because I drink.
Yeah, I may be bisexual and thats fine. That is my lifestyle yet people hate me for it. I know Neptune and Nio are gonna badmouth me on that part and I honestly could care less. I just hope Kyle Shane doesn't get repulsed by me but if he does, I can handle myself no problem in the ring and probably win the match with my sheer luck.
Partner or no partner. I step into this alone. I will prevail against my enemies and prove I can do it. It doesn't matter to me what you are. I am a kind and gentle man but when I step into the ring, it is a different story. I am gonna go all out to win.
I am the Boston Brawler. I am the American Everyman. I am Barney Green. I may not dress nice and may not be the best looking wrestler but I will fight you until my last breath. Come Elevation, the fans will be chanting my name and I will keep going. People say I am a joke. You are right. I never tried to be a serious competitor because we got way too many of those. i would rather pound back a few cold beers with my fans and friends.
I am going in at three and zero. I will be walking out four and zero just to prove a point. I am proud of who I am. My parents may have never supported me but thats okay. I don't need their support. They wanted me to go to a religious camp to cure my problem. There is no problem. I can control my urges although I get that urge every now and then. I am a calm man though. I also support the GTT Lifestyle. Gym, Tan, and Tranny. I love trannies. What can I say.
Good luck, Neptune and Nio. You are gonna need it. I have no fears. Nothing to hide behind.