Kiss From A Rose

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Welcome to Episode 3: Kiss From A Rose. I am your host, Barney Green. The greatest underdog of all time. The guy that had to crawl his way to the top. Some people call me enhancement talent but they don't know the truth. I paid my dues in this business. I fought people that could easily beat me but thats what happens when you start out.

I am teaming with Kyle Shane of all people. Personally, I can't stand that little douchebag. He wants to talk about me being fat. Big fucking deal. Hey Everybody! Barney Green is a Fat Fuck! Why can't you handle the fact I am bisexual? I am proud of who I am and if you got a problem with that, thats a problem.

Now onto Nio. You talk about consipracies. You can call me a pedophile all you want. You are probably jealous because I don't want you. You aren't my type. Don't need to worry about me attempting to molest you. I don't need to impress you. I am undefeated. You are right about me being a fanboy though. I am a fanboy for Jack Daniels Whiskey. That stuff is amazing. You are a mystery because you have to use pictures to get your point across. You know who else did that? Honkey Lighthouse. The only difference between you and Honkey is Honkey was actually funny. This match is gonna end when I deliver my dreaded Face Down In Boston. Who knows? I might decide to use the Green Dream on you.

Lets move onto Neptune, shall we? Mr. Deadly Feet. Yeah, they stink like a hillbilly was walking through pig crap all day barefoot. The match is gonna end with me picking you up by your feet and turning you upside. I am gonna mop the mat with your head. There is nothing scary or intimidating about you.

I could beat both my opponents blindfolded. I am confident in myself. Lock in the Green Dream. Make my opponents tap. No problem. I have three wins and zero losses. I will be gunning for the Hart title. Maybe a victory over Neptune will cause it.

Life's too short but I can promise you one thing, I will be entering next year as the Hart Champion. No matter how many opponents you throw at me, I will prove them wrong. Make them regret underestimating me and viewing me as a no-talent hack.

The scene opens up in Barney Green's apartment and it is now morning. We see Green, who looks slightly tired, get out of his bed wearing a pair of white boxers with red hearts on them. He opens his bedroom door and exits the room. He walks towards the kitchen and reaches into the fridge. He grabs a bottle of water. He walks towards a cabinet and reaches in it. He grabs a bottle of Advil. He shuts the cabinet and places the bottle of water down. He opens the Advil and places a few in his hand. He closes the bottle of Advil and places it down. He opens the bottle of water and places the Advil in his mouth. He takes a a quick swig as the pills go down his throat. Yasmin Lee, who is wearing a red and black dress, enters the room.

Yasmin: That was a fun night. Who knew you had that much energy in you?

Barney: They don't call me the Irish Bomber for no reason. I can go all night.

Yasmin: Thanks for letting me stay here for a few days.

Barney: No problem at all. I have seen pretty much everyone of your films? Was I as good as them?

Yasmin: You were slightly above average.

Barney: I can live with that. Anyway, I gotta head to the gym to get ready for my match on Elevation against Nio and Neptune.

Yasmin: Good luck. Hopefully you pull out the win.

Barney: Thanks. I will try my best for my fans out there. I just go out there and do my own thing which shocks people.

Barney heads back to his bedroom to change as the scene fades to black.

Another past match of mine from GWF. I wrestled there as "Buff Daddy" Barney Green. My record was pretty bad but you pay your dues in this business and learn more as you go on. You can call me fat all you want. If thats all you got, you are screwed. I got you beat because I don't hide behind any smoke and mirrors. I tell people things I probably shouldn't but I don't care.

I represent Boston for life. I am a diehard Dropkick Murphys fan and a diehard Boston Bruins fan. I bleed black and gold. I am hard working and got a strong work ethic.

The scene opens up inside of a gym whre we see Barney Green, dressed in a black tanktop, black shorts, and black sneakers, lifting weights.

Barney: Time to prove everybody wrong and show why I am The Boston Brawler.

Green drops the weights and goes to a water fountain. He turns the knob and drinks some water from it. He turns it off when a fan approaches him.

Fan: Hey! You're Barney Green from the XWF. Can I get your autograph?

Barney: Sure you can.

Green signs the fans piece of paper.

Fan: Good luck against Neptune and Nio at Elevation. Hopefully, You pull out the win.

Barney: I will try my best to win.

The fan walks away as Green continues to work out with the weights.

Barney: Time to win it for my friends and fans. Prove to them why I am undefeated.

The scene fades to black as Green continues lifting weights.

So I am teamed with Kyle Shane. The so called God of Gaming. I don't even know why they teamed me with you? I don't think we can ever be friends. After this week, Don't expect my help.

Nio, you got your shot by sheer luck. You don't deserve a shot at the Hart Title. If anbody does, its me. I have been proven to be a reliable wrestler and able to fit in any spot I am put. You are best suited for the IDIOT Title. The International Division Impact Only Title. You are an IDIOT. Get it?

Neptune, You better hope I don't win my match at Rage In The Cage because that belt will be coming home to me. I will gladly lock in the Green Dream and make you tap. You will be known as the guy who lost to in your mind the worst wrestler in XWF history.

I trained hard to come back to wrestling after my minor neck injury I suffered during a ladder match. Guess thats why I never wrestled in a ladder match before. I landed awkwardly on the ladder from taking a body slam. I finished the match with pain searing through my neck. I lost because of that injury.

I will prove myself regardless of whatever fate throws at me. I am laughing at my opponents struggling for ammo to use against me. Its kinda hard when I give you so much to work with. I am the American Everyman. I am Barney Green.