Follow Me Up To Carlow Pt. 1 of 2

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Welcome to Episode 4: Follow me up to Carlow. I am Barney Green, your local Irish wretler. Kyle Shane may have won the match for our team but I will never work with him again. Now, I have to face Nio and Neptune in a triple threat match. Can I pull out the win against two people that hate me? Is it possible? It can be done.

The Irish stood up to the British and didn't back down. I am doing the same thing. I am the one and only, Barney Green. I am now four and zero in the XWF. I will continue that streak no matter what it takes. Whether it means offering a pony to Nio or something like that.

I step into any match as the underdog. The guy they don't expect to win. The guy the fans want to see win but won't be disappointed if he doesn't win. They will not crush my spirit. I will teach my opponents some manners when I use every move possible in my arsenal.

When "The Rocky Road to Dublin" starts playing throughout the arena, the fans start going nuts for me. The adrenaline that surges through my body when I walk out on the stage. The rush of energy I feel. The fans that wear my shirts. Wave signs with my name on it makes it all worrth it at the end of the day. My heart starts beating fast when I enter the ring.

I used to go to school drunk. Fun times. Especially when you are hungover and the teacher is talking about something you don't care about. I started drinking when I was 12 years old. By 16, I was able to pound back shots of whiskey no problem. People say I have an addiction when I really don't. I did a bet once and went a whole week wtihout drinking. I won five hundred dollars. I promptly spent it all and another thousand on a bottle of 1987 Petrus Wine. It was worth every penny. I never tasted anything so good before in my life. I drank the whole bottle in one night.

That night was interesting though as I wound up getting arrested for being drunk in public. I tipped over a park bench and stole a mans toupee for no reason other than the fact I was drunk. I am living proof you don't need much blood in your body to function. I am eighty-five percent alcohol. I remember when I got arrested. The cops pretty much tazed me and I got the handcuffs slapped on. I spent a night in the drunk tank.

I got out of jail after sitting there all night long. I wound up driving home and getting drunk in my house because they can't arrest you for being drunk in your home. heh. Score one for Barney Green. Zero for the cops.

Now, I gotta face off against two people I don't like and I don't trust. Its hard to trust anbody especially when one is named after a planet and another named after a character in a movie. I may be named Barney Green but at least it looks good and flows well.

Neptune calls me shock value. Is it because I speak the truth? You talk about my weight. I can still run circles around you. I am the tank with the Ford engine in it. I can go all night against you. Nio knocked me out because I was slightly drunk when I stepped into the ring. I gain superpowers when I drink. You say I am ugly. Look at you, Mr. five foot eight. You look like a mop. In fact, I am going to mop the floor with you. You are the tool, bro. Not me. All I got to do is lock in the Green Dream and you will tap out.

Nio... What can be said about you. The only reason you knocked me out is because of your bad breath. Yuck. It smelled like a man with shit shoes was walking in your mouth. You have to rely on pictures to win matches. Something I don't do. You are a funny kid. I will give you that but you gotta learn to mix between serious and comedy otherwise you are just enhancement talent.

I back up what I am say and going to do. I get it accomplished in the ring. I represent Boston well. Hopefully as good as BostonGod did. There was a wrestler with such talent. I still hold a great deal of respect for him.

The scene opens up inside of a bar and we see Barney Green, dressed in a black and gold Boston Bruins jersey and black jeans, pounding back a shot when he is approached by somebody.

Foley: Hey Barn.

Barney: It's been a long, Foley. How are ya?

Foley: Pretty good. I see you made your return to XWF and look to be in better shape.

Barney: Thanks. It has been a rough year for me. Been touring the independents and all that fun stuff. Injured my neck in a ladder match but it wasn't a serious injury. Just a sprain because I landed awkwardly on the ladder.

Foley: That's rough, Barn. I figured I would come visit you since it seems that we rarely talk now.

Barney: I apologize for that. It's just been traveling between California and Boston leaves me tired when I get home because I am home for about 3 days a week. At least its only one show a week otherwise I would have to move to California. When I get home, I just wanna sleep for a few hours and then go out to party.

Foley: You need somebody to watch your apartment while you are gone?

Barney: That would be nice but don't you have a place in New York?

Foley: Ryou and I had a bit of an argument. He essentially kicked me out.

Barney: You are welcome to stay with me for awhile because I am hardly home and when I am, I am usually in a daze.

Foley: Thanks for letting me stay with you.

The bartender comes walking by.

Barney: Can I get another shot of Jack Daniels?
Bartender: Sure.

Barney: Thank you.

The bartender goes to pour Green is shot while Foley and Barney go back to talking.

Foley: I can't believe you have won four straight matches and haven't lost yet.

Barney: I know. It's been a crazy run so far in the XWF. That is the first time that has ever happened in my career.

Foley: Hopefully, you can continue it this week on Elevation when you face Nio and Neptune.

The Bartender hands Green his short of Jack Daniels and walks away.

Barney: Hopefully.

Green grabs the shot and downs it in one go.

Barney: I just gotta play up to my strengths. Its all about how you act and how you move in the ring. You gotta be smart at what you do in the ring otherwise you are screwed.

Foley: I remember telling you those same words back in two thousand and seven.

Barney: Wow. I can't believe that you remember it.

Foley: I say that to all my students. The ones who remember it wind up being successful in this business. I am proud of you.

Barney: Thanks for saying that. Let's head home and strategize about my match.

Foley: Good idea. I am getting bored here as well.

Barney: Hey Bartender! Can I have my bill?

Bartender: Certainly. You owe one hundred and fifteen dollars, Barn.

Barney reaches into his wallet for some money and pulls out a few bills.

Barney: Here's one hundred and fifty dollars. Keep the change.

Bartender: Thanks. Enjoy your night, Barn.

Barney and Foley get up and head towards the exit of the bar as the scene fades to black.