Follow Me Up To Carlow Pt. 2 of 2

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. I am Barney Green. People can call me shock value all they want. You are right, Neptune. I am a comedy wrestler. I may suck wrestling but at least i draw a crowd to watch me wrestle and don't rely on something as stupid as deadly feet.

I am what I am. I do what I want. You can call me a drunk but thats okay. I have fun in my life cruising the bar rooms getting drunk and passing out. You say i lack drive to be a good wrestler, Neptune. I never said I wanted to be a good wrestler. I am decent enough in the ring where I can make you tap with the Green Dream.

Now onto Nio, I don't like you. In fact, I hate you. Nothing would give me more pleasure than jamming my size thirteen foot up your ass. I don't really have anything that can be said about you because you are mediocre. I can at least hold my own in my matches. You call me a hypocrite. Look in the mirror next time.

I am not too worried about losing. I can always rebound back either way I look at it. I am pretty much a shoe-in for the Hart Title Number One Contender. Once I mop the floor with Thirteen and The Dark Shadow, I will have it done. So Neptune, You better watch guard that title because Fatso Green will take it home. You can call me fat all you want to.

I have stood the test of time here. From two thousand and eight until two thousand and nine, I honed my skill here. I worked my way up off Impact busting my ass. Something you two twits never had to do. I proved to the world why I am the Boston Brawler.

Now, Nio, You talk about the Boston Red Sox like they mean anything to me. First of all, I don't watch baseball. I could care less how the Red Sox are doing. All I care about is Hockey. Which is a real sport. Better than Football. I represent the Boston Bruins. A hardworking wrestler trying to make an honest living and work his way to the top. Something you will never understand, Nio.

I have never had to hide behind smoke and mirrors to make my presence known. I am the good guy facing off against a guy with deadly feet and a guy who uses pictures when he speaks. I figure I got this match won no problem.

I have waited for this opportunity in my career. I have worked too damn hard to lose this match. Time to prove people wrong. I broke the mold because people thought I would stop wrestling after a year because of my lack of ability in the ring. I slowly fought back against the haters and proved why I am Barney Green.

I got fans as well and haters as well. I don't care about the haters. The fans are the ones that matter the most to me. I am just a fan that is tough enough to hang in the ring. I love this sport. I pop back a shot of whiskey and I am ready to go into the ring. Nothing more can be said. I am ready to prove myself once again.