You see, You mess with me and get burned. Cyren saw the truth before his eyes when me, Them Liles Boys, Hardcore Smitty, and Outsider Stone taught him a lesson. We don't want a guy that supposedly attempted to bomb a place. I don't know if he did or not but I don't want him here anymore.
Former Universal Champion or not, you don't scare me. You can call me an alocoholic all you want but I know a jackass when I see one. Maybe its because I call things for what they really are. You are missing an eye which puts me at an advantage because I can just punch with my left hand and you wouldn't see it coming.
Now onto other matters, Xuanlong. You and I are going to step into the ring and I am going to show you the truth. The xWo is a fraud. You are better than that. I got no problmes with you but you are holding the belt I want. The X-Treme Championship. I will say it right to your face. I got both eyes set on the prize and that includes my lazy eye.
I am an XWF original. I have gone through pain to prove myself worthy. At one point, I was considered a joke. A loser. A fat bastard. Well, I am still the last one. I am now a legitimate threat to anybody. I might not be the flashiest wrestler in the ring or the most technically sound but I can break your jaw with my fist.
The question is how do I win the match? Do I go for the Green Dream? Do I go for the Kenny Rogers Driver? hmm.. You talk about honor and pride. I can respect you on that note because I believe in a fair fight except in this case, there are no rules. I will go all out to win.
The last time I challenged for a chance to become number one contender for the Hart Title, I got a kidney stone. That is the main reason why I lots the match. Even then, I held my own against Mattaki Fukushuu. I went all out to win and I am going to do the same to you Xuanlong. I may have lost but I proved a lot to the crowd and I am going to prove why you don't doubt Barney Green.
I remember going in the day before Rage In The Cage and getting the stone removed because it wouldn't pass. I got bandaged up and came out to the ring the next night after only three hours of sleep and being fueled by southern comfort and pain medication.
I don't have to rely on swearing and insults like a certain wrestler in this federation has to in order to be taken seriously. I may sound calm and laidback but when I step into the ring, its a different story. I am going all out to win. You gotta remain calm and collected because if you get too overconfident, You are more than likely to lose. I have made that mistake in my past.
I was twenty-four when I first joined the XWF back when I had my fortune of money. That year, I also had a heart attack because I got so angry over James Raven badmouthing Foley Anderson. That is why I try to stay calm. Don't need another heart attack.
Take a look at my life. Twenty-six years old and still kicking. I have the experience on my side now. I am a former X-Treme Champion. I know a thing about using weapons. Its all about the force you put behind the weapon you use. I look at Xuanlong and see nobody. I look at myself and see somebody. A guy willing to go the distance. A guy willing to risk injury to prove himself.
What do you think Foley Anderson? Do you think I can go the distance?
Honestly, Barney, I think you got this match in the bag. You just gotta be yourself and do what you do best. Just show up and prove yourself. You got nothing to lose. You are the true Boston Brawler. Just step up to the plate and prove yourself, kid.
Thanks friend. I will not let you down. I am going to show my true power. Xuanlong, you are entering your final hours as XWF X-Treme Champion. I wish you luck because you are going to need it, bro.
I may not be in the best shape for this match but I can still go against you no problem. I got the endurance to last a long time despite my injuries. Despite being injury and accident prone. I will keep getting back up and rolling with the punches despite being in constant pain. The alcohol really numbs the pain a bit.
This cheeseburger with jalapenos was good that I was eating. Add in some blue cheese to cool it down a bit. Amazing. I wish I had another one of those right now. My favorite thing to eat though is a nice pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. I can eat about four of those by myself. You might as well call me the meat man. I am no omnivore. I am a carnivore. I sometimes eat the meat raw and covered in blood like a caveman would. Some people call me a caveman because of my toughness.
People tend to freak out for some reason when they get busted open. It's just blood. Nothing dangerous about it. You are just losing some here and there. Nothing harmful about it. When the blood flows from my head, all it does is make me want to win more. Makes me more violent especially when I taste the copper-tasting liquid in my mouth. Its only a minor flesh wound.
I stay calm under pressure which shocks people. Getting flustered isn't worth the effort. You just gotta step up to the plate and prove yourself. There are three different ways of dealing with stress. One way is to just ignore it and get nothing accomplished. Another is to panic like a jackass and get nothing done. The third and correct way is to just focus and step up to the plate and prove yourself.
Xuanlong, you have to be prepared to deal with a drunken fat idiot that loves shemales. Can you handle what might happen in the ring? Can you handle feeling a chair get cracked acrossed your back? I don't know if you got the balls to keep going against me. I got the weight advantage like usual because sometimes you gotta pack on the pounds to be taken seriously in this business. I once ran a restaurant out of business because I ate everything in there.
I got the power against you and it is going to be hard times come Wednesday at Elevation when I nail the Kenny Rogers Driver and pin you. One..Two..Three.. You are looking at the new XWF X-Treme Championship. This will be my second run. You better be ready to accept defeat because The Whack Order is taking over one belt at a time. What if I had decided not to come back? History will be made in the XWF..