:::I am inside Green Mansion. It is the 27th which means it is Thanksgiving and people are spending it with their families. While I spend it on the road working hard for nothing. Foley Anderson is cooking the so called turkey dinner which is what it actually is because the turkey will go bad after a few days because I am on the road all the time so it doesn't work to buy a big turkey. I prefer buying a Swanson Turkey Dinner instead to save time. Along with a Mrs. Smith Pumpkin Pie. It aint thanksgiving without a Pumpkin Pie. I bought a carton of Egg Nog. Egg Nog is good. I am sitting at the table watching a tv that I had installed in that room that slides up. A nice flat screen 20 inch tv. I just push a button and it comes up. Merle Haggard is playing. I am singing along to Ramblin Fever as Foley Anderson steps into the room carrying the TV Dinners. I grab one and tear off the plastic as he places his at his side of the table. He goes to sit down and starts watching the tv as well. I grab a fork and take a bite out of the turkey.:::
Barney: Can you believe what QC Thug has said about me?
Foley: I know. That guy is a joke compared to you.
Barney: That fool wants to compare me to Barney Miller. That show was good but I am not Barney Miller. I am Barney Green and I am gonna proceed to kick his ass all over the ring. The South will rise again. I have been plowing the field at Green Farms and plan on seeding it next year. I have a few hired people working there.
Foley: Exactly. People wonder how you are rich. Its because of all the projects you do. You own BG Studios, a Farm, and a Mansion. What does QC Thug own?
Barney: Exactly. That guy owns nothing compared to me. He is slightly above a homeless person. He threatens to take his belt off. What does that have to do with anything. In fact, Thug, I am gonna take my belt off. What are you gonna say to that? You want to run your mouth about me. Queen City Thug is right. You are the Queen of Queen City. As for the Big Tymers, You aren't Zach Rizza. There is nothing Thug about you. You are about as much of a thug as i am Milli Vanilli. You also have something in common with them, falsifying an act by claiming you are something you are not. Your promo was a piece of shit covered toilet paper. I am gonna break you in this match. Why are you still in this business? You have been on Impact since the beginning for crying out loud. You really suck. As for your boyfriend Scott Charlotte, He is what the business calls a stable jumper. One minute, he was part of the Young Guns and now he is part of the Big Tymers. Dude, you are such a rock star. You must really like Thug because you follow him everywhere he goes. As for Devestator and X Effect, Fuck your stable. I never wanted really wanted to be apart of a faltering stable. X Effect, I hope you get your ass kicked all over Massacre. Devestator, you are the most worthless person I have ever seen.
Foley: Exactly. I believe in your ability as a wrestler. In fact, I even showed you a few moves from my arsenal. My hair may be graying but im still going strong.
Barney: Yeah and I still respect all you have taught me in this business. Shame I couldn't get a turkey because of this business but whatever. I am gonna knock QC Thug out in the ring and he wont expect what happens because his teeth will go down his throat. You are Venom and I am Spiderman. Spiderman always wins. I am rising up to this occasion and I am gonna knock you down a notch. I am gonna show you who I really am and what I really do in the ring. You wanted to compare me to Barney Miller. How original? I mean you could have picked something like Barney the Dinosaur or Barney Rubble or even Barney Fife. Please, if you are gonna attempt to insult me, be more original and creative. I give you a F-Minus because Barney Miller isn't that original. You could insult my weight. You could say that the food gravitates to me because of my gravitational pull. You could say that I am so fat I have to ask for an extra seatbelt on the plane. What more are you gonna say about me? You have nothing. Zero. Zilch. Instead of Kneel Before Zod. You will Kneel Before Barney Green.
Foley: Umm..Kneel Before Barney Green? Thats a pretty good insult. Thug is a joke character. People can't take him serious because he is a loser. He is a nobody. In this business, people like him are only good for losing.
Barney: Exactly. He is a joke. The only reason the Big Tymers have the tag belts is because of the last team that had them were a joke. Jaymz Dante and Sam Hain. Sam Hain, how original. Samhain is a good band but a terrible wrestler. Jaymz Dante is a joke. Thug, you and Charlotte as a team isn't going to work. The only serious tag team I see in that match is Famine of the Vile and Nick Ryan. I bet the farm is going well today. Its been a good day. Happy Thanksgiving.
Foley: Happy Thanksgiving. I remember my first match against JT and somehow pulled out the win.
Barney: Exactly, I remember watching that match back in the day. Thug, when I am through with you, You are really gonna be a Queen. You might as well hang it up. I will knock some sense into you during this match and maybe you will learn something for a change instead of just creeping by. In fact, you will lose against me. I am so confident I am gonna win against you. A guy who threatens to take off his belt. Isn't that what you say to a kid that gets you mad? You don't say that to a grown adult. If you do attempt to take your belt off, I am personally gonna take it from you and hit you with it.
:::I go back to eating and think to myself that I am gonna win against QC Thug this week on Impact.:::