NOW PLAYING: Cledus T. Judd- My Cellmate Thinks Im Sexy
:::I am inside Green Mansion now because I got tired of being at Green Farms so I am making myself a Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich while Foley Anderson sits in the TV Room and sleeps like usual. I finish making it and hear my phone ringing. I answer it.:::
Barney: Hello? Sure I will be able to come to BG Studios to film a promo. I will be there in about 5 minutes.
:::I hang up the phone and grabbing my sandwich as I exit the kitchen. Walking down to the garage thinking about Vice. I climb into the car as Jenkins, my driver, holds the limo door open. I sit down and put on my seatbelt and take a bite out the sandwich as we drive down Ocean Grove. I finish munching on it as the driver pulls into BG Studios and he parks into my parking spot and opens the door and I climb out to a few cheers from the fans in the parking lot for some odd reason. I enter the security code and walk into the building. I head to my office and go in there to grab a bottle of Rolling Rock. I crack it open and take a swig. Sweet nectar of life. I leave my office and head out onto the set where I talk to Stu.:::
Barney: Whats the plan?
Stu: The plan is we are gonna film you cut a promo for your match against Harley Vice.
Barney: Sounds good.
:::I get ready to cut a promo. As I see the countdown, I get ready to speak.:::
Barney: Hello Greeniacs, as you probably have seen, I am facing Harley Vice at Impact. Most of you know that I don't have the best record but am I scared? No, I am not. He has nothing on me. He is the real joke and if he thinks he can beat me. Vice, welcome to the corner of Pain and Suffering. You are gonna suffer the misfortune of facing me. This clown wishes he could match me in the ring. All he matches is Nickay. They both should team. Maybe they might win a match. Oh yes, I went there. You see, Harley Vice thinks he can match the awesomeness of Barney Green. Thats a lie all the Greeniacs know that. I am the best dancer in the XWF as well. It will be very unfortunate for Harley Vice when I am through because they might not recognize him anymore because when you mess with me, you are taking your chances. My life was full of pain that no one else but me has experienced. I grew up rich but being rich doesn't really help you in school. I fought school kids all the time and thats what Harley Vice is. An overgrown school kid that is trying to bully me. You can try to bully me but you have nothing on me because I am not the same person I once was. I am gonna mess with your mind because I am the king of mind games. You just can't mess with me. I am Steven Seagal compared to you. I will show you some hardcore moves that I learned growing up in Ocean Grove. I'm Barney Green bitch and you better be ready for it. Tune in to Impact to watch the most epic loss in history.
:::I smile at a job well done and walk off the set now that the promo is done and run into Sean Memphis, a good friend of mine in this business that hosts VCW.:::
Barney: Hey, Sean. How are you?
Sean: I am doing just fine. How about you?
Barney: I am doing good. Just preparing for my match against Harley Vice. Its gonna be easy pickings this week.
Sean: I have seen him wrestle before and he sucks quite frankly. I think I could beat him and I haven't wrestled in like 10 years.
Barney: I think you could. I know you have it in you to do it. You would have to dig deep but you could do it. I am gonna show this fool what the Green One is capable of and entertain the Greeniacs left and right. I can bust out a few moves that people haven't seen in awhile from me. That fool will kneel before Barney Green.
Sean: Kneel before Barney Green? When did that come about? It has a good ring to it.
Barney: Yeah, it does but you know what. This Vice character better respect me after the ass kicking he gets because he won't get much offense in. I am the snake and i am coming in for the kill. I am far more entertaining in the ring and he can't match what I can do in the ring and thats make the fans cheer.