Restless In Vegas

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~

The CAB- One of THOSE Nights

:::I am wandering around Green Mansion and head down to the gym. I enter the gym and start benching while Foley is sleeping on one of the benches. Lazy person he has become over the days if you haven't noticed. Foley starts waking up after I start grunting and groaning. I do 20 reps of 100 pounds. I get up off the bench and help Foley up and we start chatting.:::

Foley: Have you seen what Peter Gilmour has been saying about you?

Barney: Gilmore Girls! OMG NO WAI! I can't believe what Peter has said but I will somehow flip it against him and win the battle like usual. Comparing me to Barney. Thats real funny. Maybe if you looked back and saw how many fuckin people have compared me to him, you would realize its not so original. You gotta be original. At least my name can't be mistaken for Gilmore Girls. It's a shame that you have to resort to such lows to insult me because what does it prove? Nothing at all. Rose, I might add that QC Thug used that against me first so shut the hell up. So if you aren't gonna be original, I will show you how its done, buddy. You think you are big and bad insulting me but you have nothing on me. What are you gonna say that I have no girlfriend? Go ahead but I don't really care for girls because they are cheating sluts and thats exactly how I feel. Call me bitter all you want. I agree with Peter on one thing and that Seth Stevens is a chump and I will be taking his belt at X-Mas X-Treme. X-Treme Champion all the way. I have more balls then anyone here. Back on to Peter, my friend, You are gonna experience Greenitude like no one else has from me because I am done playing. I plow the fields at Green Farms and will plow you like I plow at them with my John Deere tractor. People can say what they want about my dancing moves but they got nothing on me. Everyone will soon learn to kneel before Barney Green especially at Impact this week.

Foley: I believe in you against Peter Gilmour. That guy is a fool. He can not match you in the ring.

Barney: I am going to enjoy this match especially after the beating I lay on this joker. He really thinks he can beat me. He must be doing some drugs like I do but I am not as bad as him. He has one of the worst record and I believe I have the worst but this is my town and I will lay him into the ground. Go ahead and make me bleed. Blood tastes good. Tastes very much like copper. You know the rules and so do I in this match. No holds fuckin barred, bitch. You might want to be ready for something to happen because this is the crunch time and I am gonna crunch you in half. Ha Ha!

Foley: I have always wondered.. Why is a good lookin man like you still single?

Barney: That is an interesting question. I hate women. I admit it because I view them as sluts and I am not gonna sugar coat that. Every time I date a girl, something goes wrong like my last girlfriend dumped me because according to her, I had a small cock and I don't mean the rooster. But, thats her loss. I have heard every excuse under the sun and I don't care anymore. My girlfriend before that ex was even worse. She spent my money like it was unlimited.

:::I step out the gym and Foley Anderson follows me. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of Rolling Rock from the fridge and take a swig of it. That bittersweet taste like usual. As it goes down my throat. I start thinking to myself and pick up my cell phone. I place down my beer for a second and dial up BG Studios.:::

Barney: Hey Stu, I will be by later to cut a promo and was wondering if it would be problem. As long as I come in between 6:29PM and 6:59PM, it won't be. Sounds good. It's about 5:44 here. I will try- I know but I will be in by around 6:30. Sound good? Okay, bye. Foley, I am gonna be cutting a promo at BG studios in a little while. You are one of the best in this business.

Foley: I appreciate that, Barney. Have fun at BG Studios when you do head on out.

Barney: You know I will because I still have a lot more in my arsenal against Peter Gilmour. Going through a box of useless toys makes me laugh because that scene has been done many times. Its like how in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES, you have a guy with a chainsaw show up. I never seen that guy before that game. Wouldn't that scare kids to see a guy with a chainsaw on a kids toon. I mean, come on. Thats stupid like Peter Gilmour thinking he has a chance against me and can beat me. He must have rocks in his head because he can't even compare to me and its an insult he thinks that he is in my league even. I have been wrestling for years now and have overcome many odds in the business.

:::I finish up my chat with Foley and head upstairs. I open my bedroom door and enter the room while closing the door. Looking through my drawers for a GreenTV shirt and a pair of black khakis. I remove my jogging pants I am wearing and the skull shirt I had on. Grabbing the black khakis and putting them on. I grab my B.O. Stick and rub it into my pits. I put it back and put on a Green and Black GreenTV shirt. I grab a pair of Vans and put those on my feet. I leave my room, ready for this promo, and walk downstairs. I grab my bottle of Rolling Rock that was in the kitchen and take a swig as Foley talks to me.:::

Foley: The plan is to use every big move you got to wear down Gilmour because he has you beat stamina wise so pound away and use whatever it takes to win. If you don't, you might not walk away a winner. Keep trying and working at it because the more you hurt him, the less likely he is to wear you down.

Barney: I am not worried about him. Gilmour can't keep up in the ring against me because I bring the pain. Greenitude is alive and strong. All my Greeniacs are gonna go nuts when I beat the living crap out of Peter Gilmour. I am gonna take my fist and jam it so far down his throat, he will be crapping out teeth for a month. Anyway, I am gonna head out as it is nearing time to get to the studio. Peace, Foley.

:::I finish up my beer and throw it into the trash and head down a few stairs to leave. I go out the back way and lock it up. Heading to my limo, ready for this moment. Ready to shine and walk away with a win.:::