Dustin Aßmuteit- Angry Video Game Nerd
:::I am inside my limo that is driving down Ocean Grove headed towards BG Studios. Some busy traffic going on today due to the fact that its nearing christmas. Stuck in traffic, My cell phone starts ringing and i grab it and answer.:::
Barney: Hello? Sure, I will host VCW Wrestling tonight. Why? Sean Memphis is sick and can't make it. Okay, I will do my best at that. Bye.
:::As you probably heard come from my mouth that Memphis is sick so I am hosting a half hour version of VCW because of the fact that Late Night with Fred Savage needs to start earlier for some reason. I really don't know and don't care. So this is gonna fun. Its gonna be 2 matches tonight I am gonna show. I am driving in this hot Nevada weather. The limo has finally made it to BG Studios which is a decent studio that I put a lot of my money into.The limo parks and I climb out. Heading to the door, I get ready to punch in my code to get in. Door opens and I walk into it ready to go. I go to my office real quick to grab a bottle of Rolling Rock. I leave my office and notice its around 6:05. Taking a swig of Rolling Rock and walking down the hallway. I walk towards the set and get ready.:::
Barney: Hi there folks. Its your boy, Barney Green hosting VCW tonight because Sean Memphis wasn't feeling too good so they got me to host this special 30 minute show because Fred Savage has a big special planned for his 100th broadcast. Tune in at 6:45 for it. As you people know, I am facing Peter Gilmour in an X-Treme Rules match. That loser can't match up to me in the ring. Oh-.
:::I stop suddenly because I noticed Ryou Bakari Itemri in the studio. He walks onto the set.:::
Ryou: So this is Barney Green. You wish you could be me. You are a no-talent hack so they booked you against Peter Gilmour. I feel bad for the poor guy. You stink like rotting garbage. I feel bad for the fans that have to listen to your speech impediment.
Barney: First off, Ryou, If I remember correctly, you have lost more matches then you have won and thats not a good thing. Peter Gilmour is a mere pawn in the big picture as I am facing Seth Stevens and Shadow Warrior at the PPV for the X-Treme belt. The same belt you held twice and couldn't even keep it at the PPV. I am gonna walk away from the PPV with the belt and make you look like a loser. How does that sound? Gilmour is a nobody in this and I am gonna clean his clock like I should do to you right about now. Let us play this match first. Its gonna be a Sean Memphis match. Sean Memphis vs. Terry Rouke, Submission Only Match. Lets roll it..
Ryou: Nice plan, Barn. Good luck against Shadow Warrior and Seth Stevens at the PPV. I think you can do it.
Barney: How can I stay mad at a guy that helped me out a bit in this business. I trust you and Foley Anderson. I am not scared at all about Peter Gilmour. He can talk about his X-Treme title reigns all he wants. This is the present and he has yet to win the belt in the XWF so it negates itself out. That argument is a joke to me. I could think of a better argument using a pen, a paper clip, and a piece of string. Thats exactly how I feel. He wants to see exactly what I can do it the ring. He will feel it and thats all for him because Greenitude is running wild. Welcome back people to Green TV. I am here with Ryou Bakari Itemri and in case you couldn't tell, we were joking about actually fighting one another. Next up is Sean Memphis vs. Great Mephesto in a 2 out of three falls match. Enjoy. Gilmour is a loser compared to Honkey Lighthouse.
:::Gilmour, I look forward to destroying you in the ring and leaving you a bloody mess.:::