Well. What a night that was. I rose to the challenge and won the World Championship. Nobody expected it to happen but it did. I told you so. Don't ever count me out of anything. Same thing is going to happen at Impact this week. Shocking return of Saturday Night Impact. My old stomping grounds. Back when I had money and could afford stuff. I miss those days but they are dead and gone as I slowly became a better wrestler and am now considered on of the top wrestlers the XWF has because I did it. I didn't walk out Universal Champion but I last until the end. I wrestled two matches and lost but I still went out there and did my job.
I am not going back to my house. She can have it. I am gonna order a new VISA card and have the old one cancelled as I try to rebuild my life. I am going to just stay with Jeff Night while I work everything out with the credit companies and try to rebuild my life. Try to refocus and recharge my life in Boston. Go out and meet some new people as I pound back beer after beer.
Just to live my life for a change instead of being bossed around by a woman. Find my stride and find myself. I have sorta done that by moving out of the environment. Gotta focus on myself for once in my life. As shocking as that is, Its the truth. I can finally go out and get laid at the bar. Drink a pint of beer and celebrate. Holding the World Championship above my head.
Chasm and Ace Wylde. Good luck to you guys. You are gonna need it stepping into the ring with me. "Irish" Barney Green. The man that drinks Guinness beer and wins titles. The man the fans cheer on as I step into the ring. I came from obscurity and made an Impact like I am gonna do in this match. Lock in the Green Dream and win. Maybe use the Kenny Rogers Driver or the Goodnight Kick. All depends what I feel like doing. The lines in the sand are drawn as I know people are looking for a shot against me. A shot to fight me.
I am ready to go. Ready to fight. Ready to prove to the world that I am a worthy champion. It's Time To Go. Later.