Holding Out For A Hero

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Your hero has come back to the XWF to save the day. I know people are holding out for a hero that is larger than life and that is me, baby. I got the style to to go all night long whether or not I sleep. I have been up for almost twenty hours straight and my mind is starting to wander to places that it has never been before. Thoughts of being XWF World Champion scares me in all honesty. I did something nobody expected by becoming champion. Kyle Shane split and so did Mighty Kid. Nio is gone as well. That match came down to me, K-Money, and Jose Chavez. I went the distance that one night despite taking the biggest ass kicking of anybody in that match.

The blood starts to get pumped up as I prepare for my match against "The Angry American" Adam Abraham. I respect you as a competitor and look forward to seeing what you can pull out of your arsenal against me. The Peoples Champion vs. The Blue Collar Champion. I will give you the fact that you have had for more success than me in such a short time. X-Treme and Tag Champion. Bravo, man. You got my respect for that. You are a solid competitor.

The music cranks up in my ear as I get ready to go. The blood pumps through my veins quickly. Whether it be the Beastie Boys or Escape The Fate, The results are the same as I run the treadmill. My face turning red from the speed I am going at. Sweat going down my face. My face slowly looking down at the numbers as my heart rate starts to go up. I am Barney Allison Green. The only white knight left.

Armed with a can of Guinness and The Green, White and Orange Flag of Our Nation. Ireland all the way, baby. I am an American Irishman but I will rep the colors until the day I die. I work into the late of night thinking of a great strategy to win. I don't know if I can do it against Adam Abraham. He is a great competitor and I respect him. If he beats me on Impact, That should say something right there. He is the next break out star I see that can make it to the main event scene.

My life is slowly changing for the better. Mistress Randi has left me and I enjoyed our time together but it got to be too much on the wallet. I enjoyed that relationship but it was time for us to both move on. Go our seperate ways. She got the house and I got my stuff from it. I am living in a cheaper apartment right now trying to find myself.

I don't know what is really the truth and what is really the facts anymore. I don't even know who to call boss anymore. It's like every week there is a different General Manager in their office. If you are reading this, Give me a shot at GM'ing the show. I want to show the world that I can do it and go the distance because I am the People's Champion. The beer that flows through my veins. Maybe I am a bit of a rambler but thats a good thing.

I got you to listen to my everywhere and hang on it. Hang to the best of my ability. You come to see me wrestle and face off against whoever they throw in the ring against me. With my moves like Jagr, I know I can win. I am the sexiest superstar in the XWF right now. I know it. I can even bring you the horizon. I can do it all. Waiting for that big moment. That moment to prove myself and I did it. I did something that people strive to do in their career and sometimes never reached that pinnacle. I represent everyone that has ever been told they can't do it. I showed a new generation of wrestlers that it is possible at any age to achieve greatness. Doesn't matter if you are a great wrestler or not.

I am not that great in the ring. I rely on my brawling ability and high pain tolerance. I can use nonsense and confuse my opponents. I am so close but so far away at the same time. I don't blame anybody for that as trying to clear my head isn't even working. How many years can I keep going in this business? Injuries are taking their toll on me. Why do these questions keep going through my head? I honestly can't figure that and I am sick and tired of it. I don't blame anybody for this. I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as i step out to the ring when my music plays.

I still got a goal or two left in this business but the biggest obstacle was accomplished. I won the XWF World Title. Do I see myself being a multiple time holder? No. I am not that bright and will probably lose the belt at Turning Point. Doesn't mean I am gonna just walk away defeated though. The thoughts have crossed my mind many times. I am just gonna try to escape the fate that most champions face. The fate that they have to win that next title. I would rather be a one time champion than a 10 time champion because that means you lost 9 times to get there and it looks less impressive.

Face it. Time to face the music that I fell in a love with a girl that didn't really love me. I enjoy the situations I were put in though. She loved the money I brought in and I loved her looks. She left me handcuffed to a bed for six hours because I came home late one night. I kept coming back for more and was used as a slave. She would go out and party. She had sex with a few guys and I know that for a fact. I couldn't even masturbate or drink any beer because it was bad. It was bad that she cheated on me. She loved to punish me for the dumbest reasons and I put up with it. The pain and pleasure that she put me through. The twisting and turning of my mind as it went swimming like it is right now.

I admit I have issues and there is a time bomb waiting to explode within me. Right in that very moment. The passion. The angst. The fury. I can feel it all coming through me right now. I don't even know if I can continue or keep moving forward. I welcome all emotions to flow through my body. I admit I am a bit defective. I like when women boss me around but thats my personal life choice and I don't care if you use that against me. I never was one to hide away from the camera anyway.

At the end of it all. I am just Barney Allison Green. The man that somehow stood up against the grain and won it all. That never gets old to say that I won the World Title. I did it. The fans kept cheering my name as the Green Pack was in full effect that night on the boat. I am the true common man. I come into town and party with my fans. I buy them pints of beer and food and have a good time. I am here just to do that. Just to keep going because of my friends and fans. I will keep fighting as long as my body lets me but I feel drained right now. I feel tired from it all. Fans see me in the ring and just keep cheering for me.

When I am in town, I will visit with my fans personally at their houses and party. i will also party with them outside the arena before the show starts and cook them up some great food. Enjoy a nice hamburger or a hot dog and pint of beer before the show. The stories I could tell about that. I am who I say I am. Whether people like to admit it or not, I don't hide behind anybody anymore. This month could be my last month as champion and a represenative of the company as the contract I signed only extended my deal a month. I don't want to let my fans down. My legacy is on the line tonight in the ring as I put everything on the line. Emotions are running high right now and ready to go through my body. Everybody needs a hero and they are relying on me to be that hero. I am ready for it all. This is just another night in my career. Welcome Home, XWF. This is the ride of a lifetime.