If I Should Fall from Grace

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Welcome to Episode 12: Green Rock City. I am Barney Green. Your Intrepid Traveler or something. I started doing these as a therapy and they kinda work.

I stand one on one against the fears. I fear letting my friends down. Something I will never do. I may be a drunk but I am loyal to my friends even if it means fighting to keep the safe. Foley Anderson, I owe my life to him. Without him, there wouldn't be a Barney Green. He trained me to become a wrestler. I use a lot of his moves to an exent. I am a big man wrestler.

I am the voice of todays Irish Generation. I will stand with AJ Flare, Gweedo, Scott Carr, and Brooke Sparker. The Formation may be hard. If they are hard, then I'd rather be soft. I am a sensitive guy on the inside but don't let that fool you. I travel alone against The Unknown. The fear that gets sent through my body each time I step into the ring. The fans are what keeps me going.

They honestly don't know that I am slowly dying from the drinking but its too late for me to quit. I tried to quit but I enjoy drinking. I went through a sober period and didn't enjoy it. Learning to live life without a beer in you is actually hard.

Tyler Hart, when we meet at Legacy. You will be another speed bump in my road to Lethal Injection. I still have an ace in the hole if I need to use it. You are nothing major to me. You are the X-Gen Champion. I was Pure Pride Champion. The only reason I lost was because Justin Justice screwed me. I will take down The Formation. I have the heart you wish you had. I have the integrity you wish you had.

I am an honest man. Something you don't understand. I would rather earn my shots then demand them and ambush my opponents and win. As much as I don't like Joe Hennig, I would rather see him as champion. He is the only heel I have any respect for on the fact he said no to you guys.

I will not give false hope to the fans as a I wrap my hands. Ready to go, ready to fight. I will not let my fans down. Once the Rocky Road to Dublin start s playing, my heart gets pumping. I come out ready to go.

I am Barney Green. A pro wrestler with a heart. A man who loves to wrestle and will stand up for the fans. Tyler Hart, prepare to feel the Green Dream. You lost to me last time we fought and get ready for it to happen again.

Good luck, fella. You are going to need it.