Good Rats

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Welcome to Episode 14: The Green Road to Dublin. I am Barney Green. Thats all I gotta say about that. Nothing more can be said. The victory over Alex Anders has catapulted a new star. I just hope The Formation knows what to expect when the smoke clears. Barney Green on top. Possibly but I could just walk away in the middle of this. I got one thing to say to The Formation and as Andrew Ference put it best..

Honestly I have no fear unlike some people who get scared at the drop of a hat. Heres my thoughts on Jason Richardson. He is just another speedbump on the way to the top for me. I will be taking the WWG Universal Championship home at No Remorse even if I have to drink many bottles of Rolling Rock.. Jack Daniels.. Whatever it takes. Come on, all you good rats, you will find the gates to my belly. People say Guinness got its taste from the rat meat back in 1800's or something like that. Its still good to this day. I will slam back a few shots no problem like Shane MacGowan. Jason Richardson, your stepping into the ring with a man that doesn't quite understand pain due to loving a good drink or two. Okay, I lied thirty shots. You happy, now?

I step into the ring ready to fight. Ready to strike. Ready to make my mark like Mark Recchi did in Game seven of the Bruins-Montreal Series. WWG is dealing with a wrecking ball of their own in me.

I am Mark Recchi to your Shawn Thornton. An elite goal scorer to your fighting majors. You wanna go hardcore? No problem. I am the Boston Brawler for a reason.