Welcome to Episode 17: End of Days. I lost the match with Spencer Clark as my partner. I let him down. I have had enough of being shit on by the Eptiome. They beat me down. They don't respect me. The harder you make the situation on me, the angrier I get. That blood that will flow. I walk alone against the unknown. Standing up for my values. My beliefs. My fans. My friends.
I will do what I must to prove to my critics out there that I am capable of being WWG Champion. The Epitome won't get ahold of the WWG Championship. Even if I lose to Jason Richardson at Soul Survivor, I will personally make sure Richardson makes it to his match in one piece. I will stop the Epitome even though my body is practically wrecked. My knee is still injured. The waves of pain that goes through my body. I'm going to the top while my haters stay down. I am Barney fucking Green, bitch.
Yeah, I got a few demons in my closet but who hasn't. The alcohol slowly numbing my pain. When I said, I started drinking regularly at 18. I lied. I actually started drinking a long time ago. At 10 years old, I could drink whiskey no problem. Jack Daniels. Greatest stuff in the world. I remember being forced to go to rehab or get kicked out, I left my parents at 17. Chilled at a friends house. Slept on the couch at my friends house. I showed up drunk at school. I am amazed they didn't expel me. If they had, I wouldn't have cared.
I lived with a friend of mine for awhile. I graduated high school and got a job to fund my alcohol habit. I would go to the bar and spend hundreds of dollars buying shots of whiskey. Shots of beers. Honestly, I don't know why the bars were serving beer to an 18 year old. They could have been fined for that but whatever. The rule is to act older, you gotta be more serious. Maybe because each shot I drink, The older I look.
At 20 years old, I met Foley Anderson. He trained me to wrestle because my friend by then got sick of me drinking every day of my life. He kicked me out and thats how I discovered Foley Andersons Rasslin' School. I lived in the Gym for 16 months, training and honing my skill in the business. I remember when I stepped into the ring for the first time. I have footage of it.
Yeah, I lost that match but it was expected in a way. I got my ass kicked badly. Getting put through that table. Getting hit with a ladder.What can be said anymore. I maintain my popularity because I am willing to do whatever it takes to win. I know what has to be done at 28 years old. Going out there and winning. I am playing some .500 wrestling right now. Yet fans think I am a threat against Jason Richardson.
Spencer Clark, I need to build some momentum. I am gonna win. I came to make an impact. I will make you see the truth in this match. I am no savior. Just a wrestler who does his job to win.
The blood that has dripped down my face numerous times. Numerous matches. I represented myself in my court case against the haters. I will prevail. You won't break me. No matter how many injuries I must rack up to prove my point. I am willing to go that far.
Everyone knows the only reason Scott Carr isn't champion is beccause he is a dickless castrated piece of garbage. As much I don't like Richardson, I am happy seeing him as champion. Onto the Rains brothers. Desmond and Thaddeus, You probably sleep together when nobody is looking. I went there. You want to try to crush me. Try to break me. I dare you. Dragon Demonico, I fucking hate your guts and if we ever step into the ring, I will break your fucking arm when I lock in the Green Dream. The Epitome sucks big hairy goat balls.
I am done typing up this blog. Peace.
The scene opens up inside Barney Green's apartment and we see Barney Green sitting on a folding chair drinking a bottle of Rolling Rock. We see Jeff Night sitting on the couch. Barney goes to speak.
Barney: It was a rough week. I lost to Jason Richardson and Jai Killa. I knew it was gonna happen because I wasn't at t he top of my game. This week though, I am pissed as a bull in a china shop. I can-
The chair breaks and Green falls to the floor.
Jeff; You okay, Barn?
Barney: I'm a fat man that just fell on his ass because companies don't understand the heavyset lifestyle. You see, they are discriminating against my kind. They only want skinny folks to buy their products. I also spilled booze on myself. Damn. That stuff aint cheap you know.
Green gets back up and finishes the rest of his beer. He pciks up the chair and walks towards the door with it, He flings it outside along with the beer bottle in his hand. He then walks outside to argue with a neighbor.
Neighbor: Can you keep it down, please?
Barney: Sorry, it won't happen again.
Neighbor: Stop yelling, you fat drunk. Stop doing that. I am sick and tired of you making noise all day and all night. All you do is sit down and drink beer all day and all night.
Barney: Listen bro, I am only home on my days off from wrestling.
Neighbor: You are nothing more than a glorified jobber to the stars. You will never be big. The only reason you won the Pure Pride Championship is because Alex Anders was a joke champion.
Barney: You wanna step up, bro? Because I have no problem locking on the Green Dream to teach you a lesson.
Green goes to walk away but the Neighbors cracks a bottle of Rolling Rock over Greens head and he falls to the ground. The Neighbor grabs the broken chair and hits Green in the back with it.
Barney: You hit like a bitch.
Green gets back up. Green ducks a chair shot and the Neighbor drops the chair. Green locks in the Green Dream.
Barney: I am not letting go until you calm down.
The Neighbor tries to fight the hold but blacks out and Green lets him fall to the ground. He heads back inside.
Jeff: What the hell happened out there?
Barney: Neighbor picked a fight with me. Couldn't handle what happened.
Jeff: Don't tell me you beat up another neighbor.
Barney: Okay I won't.
Jeff: This is the third neighbor you have beaten up in the past month. You know you can go to jail for this, right?
Barney: The last two were self defense and this one was. He cracked a beer bottle over my head and hit me with a chair.