It feels good to be back into the new era of WWG. I am back at one hundred percent. SYMPL no longer exists. Gone are two of my friends in AJ Flare and Gweedo Krooze. Leaving me left alone against the world. I don't need friends to make this work anyway. You fans constantly bug me outside of the wrestling ring when I am try to work my other job. You got them shaking my ladder and doing all that crap to try to get my attention. Picture standing up on a ladder and have some random asshat walk up to you and start shaking the ladder to get your attention.
I do what i have to in order to serve Mistress Randi. I will do whatever it takes to make her happy. Even though I have virtually no money to my name and am in thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of debt. It's worth it for that pretty face. I may sleep on the couch while she sleeps in a nice comfortable bed that cost a good two thousand dollar.
I just do what I am told in the relationship. What Mistress Randi wants she gets. She wants more spending money. I will go paint more houses and wrestle in more promotions. In fact, I am active in three promotions right now. Here, XWF and UCW. I am on the go constantly. If I am not painting houses, I am wrestling. If I am not wrestling, guess where I am? Standing on a ladder with a paint brush in my hand painting away. I learned everything I know from my father when it comes to landscaping.
Christian Reith. You can try to figure who I am. I hide behind no mask like you do. I have never backed down from a fight in my life. You better be ready to duck and cover because once I start letting my fists fly. You might die and I don't lie. What a pity that you get stuck in the ring against me. You might as well be facing the Grim Reaper himself. I am no creeper. I know the moves in the ring and once you feel the Goodnight Kick, it will be unlucky for you. One. Two. Three. End of story. You are just another notch in my belt.
I no longer drink. I haven't drank a beer since I left the WWG. Mistress Randi saved my life. She showed me a better way to live and I won't forget it. You fans were the ones that poisoned me. You wanted the fun drunk and guess what? He has left the building. You were never really cheering me. You were just laughing at me because I was drunk as a skunk. I would be in the bar and you would be buying me shots trying to get me wasted. No more of that crap. You will see the new and improved Barney Allison Green when I step into the ring at Legacy. Yeah, my middle name is Allison. Go ahead and laugh at that. You won't be laughing when I jam my fist down your throat.
The scene opens up inside of Green's house and we see Mistress Randi, who is dressed in a pink and white dress with white heels on, sitting on Green's couch. Green, who is wearing a pair of blue overalls, a black t-shirt, black sneakers, and a black and silver collar, enters the room. Green kneels on the ground in front of Mistress Randi.
Mistress Randi: Good, slave. You are learning well. Can I borrow one of your credit cards. I saw a nice purse I want to purchase today.
Barney: Yes, Mistress.
Green reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He opens up his wallet and reaches into it. He pulls out his Visa Card and walks over on his knees to Mistress Randi. He hands her the Visa Card and she takes it from him.
Randi: Now time for me to go out and get me my purse. I know you have to work today but you are forbidden from taking that collar off. Do I make myself clear, slave?
Barney: Yes, Mistress.
Randi: You may get up once I leave, slave.
Barney: Yes, Mistress.
Mistress Randi gets up off the couch and walks towards the door. Green just stays kneeling on the floor. Randi grabs her purse and places Green's credit card inside of it. Randi opens the door and leaves the apartment. Green gets up and reaches into his pocket. Green pulls out his cellphone and dials a number. Green places the phone against his ear and goes to speak.
Barney: Hey, Jeff! Where are we going today?
Jeff: Hey Barn! We are going to Lowell to paint a duplex today. At the end of it of it all minus expenses. You should be bringing in a quick $450-$470 which would be yours. I will be outside soon to come pick you up.
Barney: Sounds good, man. Just gonna go eat my breakfast and I will be outside.
Jeff: Okay. I should be at your house in about 15 minutes. Just look for the Night Mobile. I got the paint and everything we need in the trunk.
Barney: I will be out there. Bye.
Green hangs up the phone and quickly walks towards the kitchen. He opens up the freezer and pulls out a burrito. He opens it and opens the microwave. He then places the burrito in it for a minute and a half. He shuts the freezer and throws out the wrapper. He grabs a bottle of water and the microwave dings. He opens it and grabs his burrito. He takes a bite out of it and places his water down. He shuts the microwave and grabs his water. He takes another bite out of his burrito. He then places the burrito in his mouth and opens his bottle of water. He places the cap on the counter and takes the burrito out his mouth. he takes a quick swig of water. He then goes to speak.
Barney: You can tell by the way I use my mouth I like burritos. Always good anytime of the year. I get to go paint some happy little houses today.
Green finishes up his burrito and then chugs down the water. He throws the water bottle out and exits it the kitchen. He grabs his keys and heads out the front door. He locks the door and heads down the steps. He sits down on the steps and waits for his ride. Ten minutes go by and then we see the Night Mobile pull up to Greens house and Green gets up. The Night Mobile stops and Green opens the door. He climbs into the van and places his seatbelt on. He shuts the door and the van starts to drive off towards Lowell.
Jeff: Nice look today. I just hope you don't scare the customer away. I don't judge you by what you do in the privacy of your own home but why are you wearing a collar outside?
Barney: Mistress Randi gets what she wants. She wouldn't remove the collar and forbade me from removing it. I don't want to upset her.
Jeff: I swear she has your balls in her purse. How come she doesn't work? Why do you have to work in three different promotions and paint houses on your days off?
Barney: She saved my life and I promised I would do whatever it takes to keep her happy. Her happiness is my main concern. I don't even have sex anymore. I can't even send the soldiers out to battle because I am so busy.
Jeff: Too much info, buddy. How come you don't drive anyway?
Barney: I got my licensed suspended for 5 years. Sadly, I still have 3 more years to go before I can legally drive again. Drunk driving is never a good thing. I could have killed somebody on the road during the times I drove drunk. It disgusted me what I became when I would drink. The fat drunk in the bar room that would tell random stories and hook up with trannies. Yeah, I am bisexual and still have those feelings but I am in a stable relationship right now. I don't even party much anymore. When I am allowed to go out, Mistress Randi and I usually go out to eat. She orders for me which is interesting because I never thought I would eat a salad in my life until I met her.
Jeff: I remember going out with you when you would drink. You could pound back beer like nothing.
Barney: I have to pay for the stuff in the end so I might as well eat what gets put in front of me. She gets a nice steak dinner while I get stuck with a grilled cheese or something like that. I enjoy the time I am allowed to go out with her.
Jeff: Interesting dynamic you got there, Barn. She clearly wears the pants in the relationship. Not that its a bad thing though.
Barney: I wouldn't have it any other way though. I don't regret hooking up with her. Hopefully, we get out to Lowell soon.
The scene fades to black as Green and Night continue talking.