Violent Pornography

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Yeah, I am not too happy about that pornographic video being released of me masturbating. Every news channel is eating that up like hot cakes right now. Hell, one news station even showed a picture from it. I cannot believe how they are trying to drum up controversy with this. I doubt the company would fire me over this because quite frankly, they knew the risk in hiring me.

Its about 2 inches at best and I ain't ashamed to admit that. I got companies calling me to try to get me to star in a porno from everywhere now. I got Brazzers calling. I got TS-Seduction wanting me. Divine Bitches as well. Men In Pain. I admit I like to be tied up but after seeing some of the stuff on that site, I can assure you thats a big no. TS-Seduction is a maybe. Same with Brazzers. Can you imagine that. Barney Green on a porn site. That would definitely get WWG noticed and hopefully get more fans into the arena that chant my name. To think, I could make a couple thousand just to have sex. Hmm.. Sounds like a good idea to me. Getting laid and getting paid for it is awesome. I can last hours without climaxing. My record is 3 hours. Maybe I should call back a few sites and as the Millionaires put it best, "Get me off like a prom dress tonight." That I can do for any lady or shemale. I can get them off pretty easily with my skills.

The pilot episode of "Green" went off pretty well I think. As well as I could do by doing practically everything myself. Gonna spend a bunch of time editing that episode and hope for the best. You will eventually see the episode whenever I finish editing it which is gonna take a few months to get done. Between wrestling and the fans, I got a lot on my plate right now. There are days that I just want to sleep in and relax but can't because of my many projects.

The stress that is going through my body each day as I get up to work on many projects. Spent many sleepless nights trying to get everything done and never having enough time. The work surrounds me. As the music continues to flow through my ears as I think of ways to get through it all. One day, My work will be done. One day, I will be considered a WWG Legend. I admit I am not the best wrestler or the smartest one but I go into the ring each night and give a hundred percent each match. I go out and do what I can. I gotta rely on my smarts to the best of my ability. The alcohol has messed with my mind for years. That helps me get through the nights and keep me motivated.

Now I have to prepare for Legacy against somebody I don't even know about. It could be L. It could be Scott Carr. It could be even Gabriel Tizo. For all I know, Chuck Norris could be waiting backstage to face me. If that happens, I refuse to fight Chuck Norris because Chuck Norris is the greatest actor of all time along with Steven Seagal. I know people are gonna disagree with me on that and that is fine with me. People have their own opinions and I respect that.

Tonight, I am going out to the bar and I want somebody to come home and get into my bed. I need sex now. I want somebody to get me off badly. I am tired of looking at xhamster to watch a quick video to get off. For a fatty, I have a pretty high sex drive. The thing I hate the most when it comes to watching the videos on those free sites is when they start off talking. Screw the talking and just have sex. Thats all I want to see. I don't care about storyline. Just fuck so I can get off.

I am starting to understand that women only care about money after my last relationship went south like Ryou Bakari Itemri's wrestling career. That was a zesty zinger. Now what more can I say. I am ready to make a impact even though I have a bunch of pornographic companies calling me nonstop. I gotta take this call. Later.