That's right. The Ron Paul of Pro Wrestling has decided to throw his hat into this Battle Royal to try my hand at going for the WWG Championship or whatever its called now. I will do my best for the fans. I will keep going until the end of time. I am willing to go all in to win and make the sacrifice. Time for me to try to gain another World Title despite not being that great of a wrestler or main eventer. But I am like any other person, I want to try my hardest to get another shot. I know I am supposed to be just a "midcard star". I figure why not try to win the belt because honestly, who doesn't dream of one day being World Champion? I have lived that dream and I want to do it again. It amazes me at the fact I did it in XWF. Its a different ball game here and I am fine with that. I have been in more difficult situations.
Tomorrow is Friday and I can hardly wait for it to happen. Gotta get out and party during the weekend. Go out and drink some Guinness. Cue up some Dropkick Murphys and get down like us Boston folk know how to do. Getting drunk and getting your dick sucked during it all is awesome. I admit I am not exactly the common man but I can relate to the fans well with my heart. I represent the hard working american everyman. Yeah, I am not the brightest person but I still try my hardest. I will fight until my last breath in the ring. My philosophy on wrestling is to keep going until I need a break. I tend to crash and burn quickly during my runs because I fight a pretty reckless style when you think about it. I just go punch for punch. Nothing fancy about that. I just try to dodge moves and hope for the best.
Lets talk about my potential opponents. Slipshod. You are an impressive force that I will give you. You have risen through the ranks quicker than me and I respect you for that but if I am given the chance to win the WWG World Championship, I will fight you until my last breath. Until that very moment where your body starts to break down under pressure, I will keep fighting. I have no fears and no regrets in this match.
Dolph Ziggler. Mr. Perfection himself. You talk about being the perfect wrestler. I give you credit on holding onto the NXT-Generation Championship. I am not all that bright or perfect like you but I still can draw the fans in. I just gotta lock on the Green Dream and make you tap. Simple as that. The man from Hollywood, Florida. I never knew that place existed until I looked it up. I thought somebody goofed on your profile or something. My bad!
Dragon Demonico. I give you credit for winning the Tag Belts alone which was impressive. I can tell you this much though, I won't back down from you either and I got no problem risking injury to prove a point. I can go punch for punch against you easily. I can knock you out or drop you with the Kenny Rogers Driver.
Jakob Hystaria. The Preacher of Chaos. You wanna talk about chaos. Try living my life. You wouldn't last a day. We fought once before and I believe you won against me but that doesn't change the fact this is a different night. This is my moment to prove to the world that I am worthy of being considered for Main Event status. Yeah, I screwed up in the past but I got injured badly.
Now onto Scott Carr. You and I were in VWF together. That is a crazy thought at one point I was considered a joke competitor. No better than Alanzo The Great but guess what, I went to the gym and got myself into better shape. You may be the best wrestler in this match but I won't let you walk out with the belt without a fight. This is a whole different Barney Green than what you are used to. I have been training for this moment. This moment to make my own legacy known. I remember when you turned on me and nearly ended my career. I have fought back from injuries before and you won't keep me down. Nothing will keep me down. You wanted a fight? You got one from me.
As I get ready to go out to make an impact. Make my presence known for the Green Pack. Do it for the fans. Do it for my friends. I would say do it for my family but my family doesn't really like me much. I learned a long time ago that you can choose your own family. Family is who sticks by you through the good and bad times. They aren't just some flash in the pan friend that is there when a party is going on leeching off your money. I have had people do that to me.
My closest friend in this business is Jeff Night. Jeff has been there since day one. He is the one guy that I would always want in my corner. He is a decent manager in his own right. Making his career in a field that is seemingly a dying art. He helped me with my business that is currently inactive. Drove me to work and all that fun stuff. He is the Tim Thomas to my Tuukka Rask. Gotta love the fact I can somehow make a hockey reference. Go Bruins!
Tonight, I have plans on visiting a birthday party for a fellow Green Packer. He doesn't know I am gonna be there. His friends contacted me to show up as a suprise. He is a fan of mine and I will always oblige. I may only make $50 for this appearance but you know something, its worth it in my opinion. I would rather put a smile on a fans face than demand all kinds of money. I gotta go get ready for the party. Later, guys.
The scene opens up inside of a subway and we see Barney Green, dressed in his "The Common Man" shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers standing next to Jeff Night, who is dressed in a baby blue suit with black sneakers. The subway is packed full of people as it is 6:09PM on a Thursday night. Green is talking to Jeff.
Barney: I am pumped to suprise this fan by showing up at his house.
Jeff: That is very nice of you to do, Barn. I am proud of you. It seems you do a lot of fan service. That is something that most people don't expect from a big name like you.
Barney: I do it because honestly, without the fans, I am just some fat drunk from Boston that has sex with trannies. I enjoy being the guy that hangs out with the fans at the bars or outside before the show. Signing free autographs and taking free pictures. This is the sport I love and I make a decent amount of money to live comfortable. I make about $50,000 a match which is fine by me. I am probably one of the cheaper wrestlers on the roster but its alright. The fact I get to go out in front of thousands of fans makes up for it.
Suddenly, a loud sound is heard and Green looks startled. Jeff and Green quickly look over their shoulders to see a man dressed in a white tanktop with black khakis and white sneakers hitting a woman who is dressed in a dark blue dress. The man goes to speak.
Man: Who is the bastard you are sleeping with, you no good whore? Tell me or its gonna get worse.
Woman: I haven't slept with anybody but you, Rich.
Rich: Bullshit. I hear from my friends all that the time that they see you around with another man. Tell me who it is now, you bitch.
Rich goes to hit her again but Barney walks over to him and blocks the hit.
Barney: Hey, fella. Why don't you stop beating on this beautiful lady and if you are a real man which I doubt. Why don't you pick a fight with me. I won't let you hit her again.
Rich: Stay out of this, you fat drunken retard. You probably don't even know how to actually fight. In case you didn't know, this is real life. This isn't a script. You are a fake wrestler.
Rich goes to hit Green with a right cross but Green ducks. Rich stumbles forward and Green gets behind him. Green nails a quick left hook to the back of the head.
Barney: I know this is real life and you have woken up an angry beast in me. You better hope the cops come soon before I turn you into mincemeat.
Rich turns around and now they are brawling. Left jab to Green. Another right hook to Green. Green is getting punched hard now but Green blocks the next one and nails a quick left jab. People are pulling out ther cellphones to start recording this bedlam in the subway. That last punch has busted Green open. The blood just start to fall down his face. Green just speared Rich and now Green is laying in the punches as Green's blood spills down his face. Green seems to be enjoying the site of his own blood. Rich kicks Green in the crotch and Green goes down. Rich gets on top and starts laying in a few of his own punches. The blood is dripping down badly from the cut above Green's right eye. Rich gets up and picks up a trash can. Rich hits Green with the trash can.
Rich: Come on, you loser. Get up. I thought you were a real fighter.
Green slowly gets to his feet as he looks slightly dazed. Green and Rich start fighting again. Green grabs Rich and sends him flying into a wall. Rich is on the ground and Green kicks him a few times. Security finally shows up and breaks up the fight.
Barney: I warned you this would happen, fella. You picked the fight with a woman and I wasn't gonna stand by and let it you continue to beat her. Go ahead and try to sue me. I am sure the security cameras will show that I acted in self defense.
Green walks away and heads towards the bathroom with Jeff. Green opens the bathroom door and heads inside followed by Jeff. Green turns on the sink and reaches for some paper towels and wets them. He starts to wipe the blood off his face as Jeff goes to speak.
Jeff: That was a crazy fight. I didn't think you could hang in it like you did, man.
Barney: Thanks, bro. I appreciate it. I wasn't gonna stand by and let a woman get hit. I will try to hold my own in any fight. I feel fine right now. Just need to stop the bleeding. He got me good with that left hook the face. That split my eyebrow right away. I know he might attempt to sue me but I don't care. I have been in fights before. The trick is to try to land the first blow right away and as quick as possible. That way you control the fight. Same applies in wrestling. Only difference is wrestling is slightly more fake in a sense where after the three count, the match is over usually. A fight can go on for as long as you want it to. It will stop though when either the cops come or somebody gets knocked out. I admit though that I wasn't prepared to fight but I knew I could hang in there long enough.
Jeff: You did good though, man. Especially with those punches and the fact you got hit with a trash can. I wonder what the guy is gonna say when you show up at his house looking like that.
Barney: Don't worry. I am going home first to change and try to fix up my appearance a bit. My face looks like hell right now but I am okay. I have been in worse situations though.
The scene fades to black as Jeff and Green continue to talk.