
~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


I lost both matches. Shit happens but I went out there and should have won but what can you do when you get stuck facing the calliber of talent I had to face like Adam Starr and Jason Richardson. I got stuck facing 2 legends and lost. Nothing I can do is gonna change the fact that I lost. I got overconfident in my match against Kgosi and lost. I am starting to notice a trend here. Everytime I do two matches, I lose both of them. Maybe I am not that great of a wrestler but my endurance is pretty high. I can amp up my game in situations and run the gauntlet. Doesn't mean I will always win. I'm gonna take my opponent this week to school.

David Coburn. Nice haircut you got there. I get to face a newcomer and I welcome the challenge. In case you don't know, I am Barney Green. A 315 pound man that just loves to fight. I am the common man that just happened to get lucky in life despite having many setbacks in my life. My company went bankrupt and I pretty much had to rebuild from it. I don't drive any fancy cars or own many fancy things. I drink imported beer but thats because Guinness is the greatest beer ever made and worth the price. I am a true veteran in the ring that does some .500 wrestling. I know you are gonna talk about my weight but thats cool. Go right ahead and do that. You are gonna see a true wrecking ball in the ring when we lock up. You remind me of the arrogant jock in high school that would never give a commoner like me the time of day. But Guess What? High school ended years ago so now you have to put up with me and thats all I can really say on that subject. The fans can keep chanting my name because I won't back down from any challenge. I may be 5'11 and 315 pounds but I can still go the distance and fight with the best of them.

Tonight is gonna be a long night because I agreed to do an autograph session at the local grocery store. They agreed to pay me in burritos because I refused to accept cash. I don't see why I should charge money to sign autographs. Maybe its because I am not a dick or something. I just enjoy being around my fans and telling stories of my career. The fans keep me going even through the bad times in my career.

Me dating Mistress Randi wasn't a mistake and I don't regret our time together. Yeah, she was a bit of a bitch at times but I was able to sit back and let somebody control my life. Sometimes, it is nice to sit back and let somebody else take the reins. Yeah, I sometimes had to work 16 hour days and then go home to serve her. I was sober at the time and realized that wasn't the best plan in my life. I don't fit in with society when I am sober. There are two sides to me. When I was sober, I am a shy man. I enjoy my privacy and just want to be on the computer watching youtube videos and working in the background. But when I get drunk, my eyes light up and I enjoy being around people and doing stupid stuff. Getting drunk off Guinness and jamming to Dropkick Murphys is fun.

The scene opens up outside of a local Market Basket where we see a table setup with Batrney Green, dressed in a Dropkick Murphys shirt and blue jeans with black sneakers, sitting down at the table. There is a sign overhead that says, "Get Your Autographs and Pictures With Barney Green." Jeff Night is sitting next to him as Green goes to speak.

Barney: What a night at Uprising I had. I didn't win a single match.

Jeff: Don't let it get to you, Barn. You showed tremendous effort and heart. I don't care what your record is. You are one of the few honest wrestlers left in this business and people respect you for it. You wouldn't have a following like you do if people hated you.

Barney: Tom Petty put it best once when he said this, "I'll stand my ground and I won't back down." That pretty much sums me up in a sense where I will keep fighting and won't leave the business no matter how many losses I take. I will just keep fighting back against the odds. I may never be the strongest or fastest wrestler but I will keep going. Life throws many obstacles in your way like this and you just keep moving forward. It's about how much you can take and keep going.

A fan walks up to the table and Green goes to speak.

Barney: Welcome, bro. Thanks for coming by. How are you doing?

Fan: Pretty good. I can't believe I get to meet you. You are one of the hardest working wrestlers the WWG has right now.

Barney: I appreciate that, bro. I try my best. I may not always win but I go out and give a hundred and ten percent.

Fan: That is the way to do it in life. I remember your run as Pure Pride Champion. I was so happy when you won that belt. You stood for everybody that has been told they will never make it in life.

Barney: All it takes is dedication and hard work. You just gotta focus and set a goal in life. Now, do you want a picture and an autograph?

Fan: I just want a picture. That is enough. You aren't like most of the other wrestlers out there that charge fans for autographs and pictures. I appreciate that.

Green gets up and walks to the other side of the table as Jeff gets up and takes the fans camera. Green poses with the fan and Jeff takes the picture. Jeff hands the camera back to the fan as the fan walks away. Green goes back to sit down.

Jeff: That's what makes you unique. Despite being such an odd person, you are a very friendly person to be around.

Barney: I try my best. I know that I have a few people out there that can't stand me but there isn't much I can do about that. I just try to entertain the people that like me and ignore the haters.

Jeff: Exactly, man. I have watched you wrestle for many years now and you are a decent wrestler. Foley Anderson did a great job training you. Even though you haven't talked in awhile, he would be proud of you.

Barney: It's just hard dealing with Ryou Bakari Itemri arguing with me about everything. He takes this business way too serious. The fans are apart of it as well. He just wants to go out and win matches. I like winning too but I also like to party with my fans. Its amazing he even has a fan base. He once punched a fan because the fan got too close to him.

Green reaches into a cooler underneath the table and pulls out a can of Guinness Draught. He opens the can and takes a swig of it.

Barney: Foley gets stuck in the middle of it because he trained us both. He trained two different personalities that were bound to clash. I respect Ryou as a wrestler because he is a tough competitor despite only being 5'9 and 195 pounds. He is tough. Foley is a wise man. He trained two different wrestlers. I am just a straight up brawler with some submission moves in my arsenal. Ryou took more of a brawler and technical based style of wrestling. Foley liked Ryou so much that he let him take his old nickname. "The Real Deal" was original Foley's nickname but since Foley retired from pro wrestling, he just let him take it. I have been called many different nicknames from "The Boston Brawler" to the "The Common Man".

Jeff: You have a few rough edges but you manage to get by just fine in this business.

The scene fades to black as Green and Jeff continue to talk.