You people were just wanting me to fall. I knew what you wanted to see. I gave you something different instead. I am gonna bring the violence to WWG. One match at a time. I just wanted peace but I guess that's not gonna happen once the bell rings. Things are gonna change. I'm not afraid of anything that gets thrown at me. I haven't slept for two days now because I am ready to fight any day or any time of the week. That's just the kind of guy I am. I don't understand why the fans won't just leave me alone.
I am a monster. The kind that you have never faced before. The kind that will send shivers down your spine. The cold aura around me now. Why are you still bothering me? Why won't you just leave me alone. You won't because you want to try to take ol' Eli Wyatt out of his game. I can tell you right now. I am gonna set you all free. I am gonna enjoy watching you all burn. You can call me crazy but you know who else people called crazy? A man with long hair that was a carpenter and promoted Christianity. He was put to death for his beliefs along with his followers. Now, it's time for me to promote my beliefs. I am going free your minds of all the propaganda that has been brainwashing you since before you were born.
When I prepare for a fight, I go all out to win. I admit that I cry before each match to resolve myself of all guilt I may feel. I hate fighting and I don't like to hurt people but I will do it now. The beast within is fueling me and I ma just going through my basic instincts now. The alcohol is free from my veins. I don't care what happens anymore. I was 12 years old when I started drinking beer. I can easily pound back an entire bottle of Jack Daniels no problem.
You wanna know why? Well, I will tell you why. My real father was named John Wyatt. He was a great man. He worked construction and helped put rivets into the tall buildings that you see. One day way back in 1996, He went to work. He never came back home because some person was raising up a steel beam while he was up there and it accidentally hit him. He fell fifteen stories to his death. Thus the alcohol problem within me started as I started to have a bit of a mental breakdown in a sense where I was seeing my daddy in random places even though he was dead. My dear old ma was too busy working her fingers down to the bone trying to keep the house afloat and raising just me at the time. I remember later on in my life back in 2000. Four years after my daddy died, She met a man named Roger Green. The man that became my stepfather who didn't care that I was practically an alcoholic by that point. I was drinking every waking moment of my life and nobody gave a damn. My name became Barney Green and I tried to be what people wanted. I tried to be the nice guy but being the nice guy gets you nowhere in life.
I am done with that. All these years, I have walked through life unable to see. Traveling through blindly. I hate the person I see in the mirror right now. I hate what I became. I became a laughing stock. A joke that clearly had an alcohol problem that nobody seemed to care about. Well, I can show you all what I am really capable of. I am going to shut the door on losing right now. I am going into that mode I have been in once before. I got the endurance for the long run and seem to get better the more I do. How can anybody judge me like they do? They only saw one side of my personality. Now they are seeing the darker side to me. The side that people didn't know existed. Hell, I didn't even know it existed until I stopped drinking. The pain that has come back has made me realize the fans really don't give a damn about me. They just wanted me for what I was giving them. Now they are the ones that look stupid. Cheering for me. You were never there for me when I had to suffer through the pain I did.
Lets talk a bit about Jakob Hystaria. You faced me back when I was the fun loving friendly drunk. Now, there is nothing friendly about me. The so called Preacher of Chaos. Nice nickname you got there. You wanna talk chaos and insanity? You have never met this side of me before. The side that is willing to kill somebody to get a victory. You step into the ring with me and you better pray to the man above for your safety. You might not even walk out of this match able to stand. The red rain of blood will flood the ring. You try to go toe to toe with me and it will be a straight up brawl. Blood spilling on the canvas makes me smile. The damage the human body can endure and dish out is truly fascinating. The mind can overcome many things but the body holds you back. I can keep moving no matter how much pain I endure. I have marched onward into battle many times in the past and I will still do it now. I will walk out of Legacy a winner because I am that good. I am ready to go until the day I die and I will make you all believe in Eli Wyatt. I am gonna save you all. Time is on my side.
The scene opens up inside of a dimly lit room and we see Eli Wyatt, dressed in a white pair of khakis, blue Hawaiian shirt, and black sneakers, standing in front of a podium. The room is being lit by candles. Wyatt notices the camera and he goes to speak.
Eli: Good evening, WWG. My name is Eli Wyatt. I am a man that you are gonna be getting familiar with in each passing week. You laughed at me for being a fat drunk that talked about having sex with trannies. You mocked me when I wasn't around.
Wyatt blows out one of the candles. Wyatt goes to speak again.
Eli: Each candle that gets blown out darkens the room. The perfect lighting is candles because they give off fire. I enjoy staring at the fire. Especially when it hits the ground and lights up a place. The area burning within. The fire in me is still alight and nowadays, its a raging inferno inside. The more pain and destruction I bring, the happier I shall be. I took a bunch of pills because I couldn't sleep. I blacked out and woke up in a puddle of a mixture of blood and vomit. I felt so much better. Looking at that copper tasting substance. The substance that gives us life. I love the taste of my own blood.
Eli pulls out a razor blade from inside his pants pocket. He places his wrist out and slowly cuts it. The blood starts to slowly come out of the open wound. He places his hand above a lit candle and the blood slowly mixes with the wax.
Eli: I have no fear of fire or losing blood as you can see. My blood is mixing in with this candle. So whenever it is lit, the scent of my blood will be in the air. Why? No reason. I got bored. The end times are coming up and I am gonna lead you all to safety whether you want it or not.
Eli lifts his bloodied wrist up and licks it in front of the camera. He goes to speak again.
Eli: I love that taste. The liquid that gives us life and keeps us going. The human body is able to keep going even if you lose 4 pints of blood. Its amazing how such a simple liquid is what keeps us going. Not including the brain on this one before people try to twist what I say and use it against me. I know how people try to do that but this time, I am not giving anyone the advantage of doing so. I had a massive drug problem which no one tried to help me with. They just let me get drunk and kept it going. My family wasn't there to help me. My friends didn't help me. They just openly mocked me. Nobody ever did anything. Look what happened. You caused a monster to be unleashed. The real person. The Barney Green you once knew is dead. Eli Wyatt is here to take his spot and to stay. What more do you want from me? Why are you still filming? Leave me alone.
The camera fades to black as Eli goes to walk towards the camera.