In a big country

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Welcome to Episode 10: Green Kombat. I am Barney Green I think. I finally broke my losing streak by beating Tyler Hart. I got my rematch against Desmond Rains and I am prepared to kick his ass all over the arena to regain my Pure Pride Championship for all my fans out there.

I may be an alcoholic but at least I can say one thing, this alcoholic has made it big. In my second match with WWG, I won the Pure Pride Championship. I brought it home and yeah I pawned it for beer money but I got it back. I stand with Scott Carr and AJ Flare. We will take down the Formation. I came here to party but I will come out on top even if my name ain't Marty. Wait that doesn't sound right but I have never been right. I am always considered wrong even if I am right. I would rather be considered wrong because who doesn't enjoy a nice cold bottle of beer. I just happen to be able to polish a 40 rack on my own.

You can insult my voice all you want and my weight. I still got something that the Formation doesn't have and thats a heart. The blood that goes through my veins and I am no dane. I am a true child of the Gael unlike that imposter Desmond Rains.

I remember when I entered wrestling camp which was owned by Terry Rouke and Foley Anderson. Foley is perhaps one of the greatest wrestlers that never made it big. Terry Rouke died back in 2006 due to a wrestling stunt gone wrong. He dove off a ladder and hit the guardrail just right which snapped his neck. He died right there. It was such a tragic moment. Foley was pretty much depressed as his trainer died that night. Foley pretty much hung up his boots after that incident. He lives off his money and really doesn't have to pay rent as Ryou Bakari Itemri foots his bills for some reason I don't understand.

Ryou Bakari Itemri. I want to personally hurt that son of a bitch. I hate him to this day. Always serious. He turned Foley against me for the most part. Foley and I still talk but not as much as we once did. He caused a major rift between us and I will never forgive him for that.

Maybe because I don't match the definition of a normal wrestler. I incorporate a lot of old school moves in my arsenal. I trained hard to get to where I am now. I feel that within the next three years or so, I will be in the main event level and be a World Champion.

As the saying goes, "Drunks have more fun." I don't think that is really the case but I sure as hell do have a lot of fun. Drinking in many different bars. Looking for many different fun experiences. Waking up hungover with a guy in your bed and not realizing what actually happened. Oh well. Thats the story of my life.

I tell you this much Desmond, it will be very unlucky for you. Good luck, fella. You are going to need it. I will make you tap out to the Green Dream.