Break on Through

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~

The Doors- Break on Through

I am standing up to the test of time. Its now time for Episode four: Green's Quest. My neverending journey to face my fears that are buried deep within my soul. The era of Green is here to stay. I need help to beat my alcohol addiction. If I get enough money, I will go to rehab. I really should apologize to my friends that I have screwed over the years. That is how life runs though. You don't expect much. I got caught holding the bag many times in my life.

I smoked pot back in the day but I wound up quitting because alcohol is so much better. The liquid that runs down my throat. People say they are shocked to see me alive. I will let them on in a little secret. My liver hardly functions from all this alcohol and I could care less. Doctors have told me to quit but I can't beat the habit.

Maybe I will call Foley and Ryou today to apologize for what I did. I feel sorry for what I caused to them both. I am sorry, People inherit my kingdom of garbage. I let my friends down. I let everyone around me down. I regret everything I have done. I am a failure. A misterable loser. The alcohol numbs the pain that I feel deep within myself. Maybe I need to stop drinking. Maybe.

I can't handle it anymore. Maybe I should grab the gun and aim it at my head just to end the pain. Maybe i should slit my wrists just to feel human again. I am not trying to the rope again because last time, the rope broke and I hurt my ass from the fall. Talk about having a sore ass. Maybe I should headbutt the walls until I die. I hate my life. Fuck my life.

I wanna die and end my miserable life. Maybe I will kill myself before this match happens. I fucking hate living my life. I got nothing to show for my life. Just a bunch of crap. Big fucking deal. I won the GCW UnEmploycore title and was the first ever man to defend the belt five times in a row before I dropped it. A pink plastic belt. Big deal. I also held the XWF X-Treme Title. Everyone and his father has held that fucking thing. Its nothing. I was the XWF Cruiserweight Champion. How, I don't know. I am far bigger than a cruiserweight.

All I always wanted was a little love from my dad. My dad never loved me. Who could love a fuckup like me? A mistake. A guy that got rich by sheer luck and then the money went down the toilet, he split. He told me he was disappointed in me. I can't help the fact that "The Train Ride" didn't sell as well as "The Bus Ride" did. He expected me to keep making money. Towards BG Studios bitter end, The programming diminished that we handled. All that was left was VCW Wrestling hosted by Sean Memphis and Late Night with Jeff Night. The problem with it all was VCW Wrestling was really a syndicated wrestling show that only had so big of an archive. It got to the point where we milked the matches dry. The Associate vs. "Jumping" Danny Armadillo wasn't exactly money material. Now, Foley Anderson vs. Terry Rouke was golden. They only fought so many times.

Late Night with Jeff Night was a terrible idea. The reason that happened is we could no longer afford to pay Fred Savage to host it. We couldn't afford anymore movies after "The Subway Ride" because that flopped as well. What did they want from me? I put it fifty to sixty hours of work a week trying to make it work. I can only drink so much Rolling Rock and Jack Daniels to stay awake.

Hell, I tried everything to make BG Studios stay afloat. Half the board pulled out and the stock fell in record high numbers. I tried doing pornographic films but it failed because lets just say, no one wants to see me naked and attempt to seduce girls only to be humiliated and dominated throughout it all. I wound up shutting it down and losing Green Mansion with it all. I had to flee with the last $600 in my pocket. I fled to Boston, Massachusetts and moved into a small apartment in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Foley Anderson actually tried to pay off my bar tabs but gave up after he realized I owed almost two billion in debt. Ryou tried everything to help me but it failed because I was stupid.

I should go ahead and kill myself. End it all. No one would miss me. I don't think I have a single friend or family member that wants me alive. I have played many games in my lifetime and they fade into the background.

The blood flows from my wrist as I slit it open. The blood, bright crimson, slowly oozes out the wound. I take the blade from my hand and slit the other wrist. The blood is slowly flowing through both wrists. I am only human. No one wants me. I might as well end it all.

I slowly start to feel weak and I drop the blade on the ground. I am coming to you, god. Forgive me. I can't continue on in this dark world where nothing works anymore. I give to the world nothing and I leave with nothing. Its all about choices. I am making the choice to end my life.

The words have been spoken.