CrushCrushCrush Pt. 2

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Hit me with your best shot. I dare you to try to take me down. The dog you constantly kicked has had enough and is fighting back for a change. I am doing what I want from now on. I am disgusted by what I was when I drank beer. That side of me is dead and buried. The side where I would go out before and after wrestling shows and drink beers with the fans. It's over. Gone and expunged. I now am working on my own against the world. I honestly could care less about these fans.

The fans make me laugh. When I am working my second job, they think it's okay to go on my customers property and hound me for autographs. Picture being on a ladder and suddenly it starts shaking because a fan is trying to get your attention. That pisses me off to no end. You don't see me going to their job and bugging them while they try to work.

Mr. Andrew Mason. I get to tear you to shreads again. I don't know much about you but I can easily take you down a peg. You are the rookie. I am the veteran. I am gonna crush you like the Boston Bruins destroy the Montreal Canadiens. The blood will fall down your face as you beg me to stop pounding away at your body. Hit you with the Green Dream and watch you tap out. Maybe I will walk out the ring after that or maybe I will continue my assault. Who knows?

I don't know why Eric Anderson booked me against you and quite frankly, I don't give a damn about it. All I know is it's gonna be fun punishing the rookie. Megalomaniac my ass. You think you are some kind of a narcissist. You are not better than me and I am going to show you that in the ring. I am gonna let the cards fall into place. This is my destiny and I will bring the fire. As I walk to that next level and laugh at my opponents. They aren't even worth my time.

My movie career may have failed due to alcohol problems and the ability to produce a good film. I lost my money because of it and I don't plan on causing the same thing to happen with my wrestling career. The difference between the 2008 version of Barney Green. I was 24 back then and full of whiskey and beer. Now, its 2012 and I am 28 years old and sober. Ready with both my eyes staring at my opponents including my lazy eye.

The scene opens up inside of Green's house and we see Green sitting down on a couch with the television on. The television is playing Jeopardy. Suddenly, we hear a knock at the door and Green gets up. Green walks towards the door and opens it. The man is Jeff Night, a black-haired man dressed in a Dropkick Murphys shirt and black khakis with black sneakers. Green goes to speak.

Barney: Glad you could make it, bro. Come on in.

Green backs up a little bit and Jeff Night enters the living room. Green shuts the door and locks it. Green goes to speak.

Barney: Can I get you a drink or something?

Jeff: Sure, Barn. You got any Mountain Dew?

Barney: Yeah I do. That's my favorite soda as well and then we can get down to the business. Take a seat on the couch and I will be right in there. Green walks off towards the kitchen as Night heads towards the couch. Night sits down and Green comes back into the room. Green hands him a can of Mountain Dew and sits down on the couch. Night goes to talk.

Jeff: I am amazed you are even allowed company over. I rarely visit you due to your mistresses demands.

Barney: I am glad she has let me have company over today. Mistress Randi went out to have some fun while I got to clean up her bedroom and the whole house.

Jeff: I don't mean to sound rude but.. Why do you stay with her?

Barney: Easy. I love her even though she spends all my money and I do all the work. I am a submissive. She is a dominatrix. I am not gonna sugarcoat anything. She orders the food I eat which lately has been mostly salads with other healthy stuff. I am actually getting into shape. I now weigh 315 pounds.

Jeff: Fair enough, man. That is good to see that you have lost some weight. Any weight lost is a positive. You should start to see improvement soon. You will be able to last longer in the ring which is a good thing.

Barney: Thanks, bro. I would order a pizza or something but I don't have the money to do so. I don't want to add to my debt problem. I also don't want to upset Mistress Randi.

Jeff: Seriously? Are you that pussy-whipped, man? You can find any girl in this city that would love to date you and let you do what you want. Why settle for this?

Barney: I love her, bro. She is drop dead beautiful. I stopped drinking because of her. She saved my life and I am grateful for that. There came a time in my life where I had to make a choice. Do I continue to drink and keep being looked at as a joke or Do I sober up and prove the fans wrong. I don't even care what they think anymore. You have seen how the fans get. Remember when we were in Lowell painting that house and a few fans stormed onto that poor guys property demanding my autograph. We lost money on that job because one of them got mad and knocked over a paint can and ruined his prized Petunias.

Jeff: I remember that. It was a crazy day now lets get down to business and talk strategy.

The scene fades to black as Green and Night continue talking.