A victor is me. I showed Andrew Mason what I am truly capable of. I accepted my punishment for losing to Double G from Mistress Randi. 15 licks from the whip. I learned my lesson and didn't fight back as the whip cracked against my back. Blood oozing out from the welts. I took the pain in vain. At least it was not the cane.
God, I remember getting hit with the cane. It hurt badly. All because I screwed up her dinner. I overcooked the penne pasta a little bit and boy was she mad. She wanted Penne Pasta in Alfredo Sauce with Grilled Chicken. I remember when I served it to her. I wound up wearing it because she dumped it on my head and I had to go fetch her the cane. I took 10 whacks with the cane. I learned never to overcook Mistress Randi's pasta.
Sobering up is a true challenge. Especially when you have that massive fall from grace. I wound up in Rehab which was paid for by the XWF. I became sober and I thank the promotion for paying for it. When you get sent back into the real world, you realize how weak and vulnerable you really are. That vice you once had is gone and you ztruggle through life trying to deal with it.
I met Mistress Randi at a night club. She still is a maiden with sparkling eyes. Her smile makes my eyes glisten. I was nervous and I knew she knew that. She gave me a chance with her. Our first date was at a fancy restaurant. We ate at the Olive Garden. Soon, we kept going on dates and I decided to live the lifestyle she wanted me to live. She is the dominatrix and I am the slave. I do what I am told.
I enjoy being in that role. Some people might call me crazy because they don't understand it. When I work all day, I just like to come home and let her take control. When we do go out together, she is in control and I am happy with that.
I wound up purchasing a house because my apartment was too small. Just a one bedroom and she wanted more. I am practically in debt up to my eyeballs to the point that I work two jobs right now.
Painting houses is a fun job in a way. It's really hard to screw that up except when fans catch you painting and want your autograph. It got annoying and thats why I snapped at the fans. I don't want their support. I can easily make money to pay off my bills painting houses. I can earn anywhere from $500 to $750 a day painting. It all depends.
Now onto my opponent this week, Jordan Penn. Or should I call you Penne Pasta? I will take you down like I eat a bowl of Pasta. Quick and fast. You won't last. I got the endurance to go the distance. I'm gonna jam my size thirteen foot up your behind. It's gonna be a straight fight. Gonna tape my fists up tight. Not to do any damage to them. I am the man with the plan. The fans may hate you but they also hate me. I can talk shit and back it up. You own Penn Industries. I own Barney's House Painting. I actually go out and work everyday. I don't have that luxury of sitting inside of a cubicle all day. I climb ladders and paint houses. It gets the job done. Can you beat me in the ring? I doubt it. The lights go out and I come out like a ball of rage. I am a motivated man that won't lose. I can't lose. I need to please Mistress Randi. Whatever Mistress Randi wants, She gets. I won't let her down. Later.
The scene opens up inside of Green's House. We see Mistress Randi, dressed in a black and white striped shirt with a black skirt and black heels talking to Barney Green, who is dressed in a tan longsleeve shirt with blue jeans and black sneakers. Green is kneeling in front of Mistress Randi. Randi goes to speak.
Mistress Randi: So, How much money did you make today, slave?
Barney: I made a total of $840 today, Mistress.
Randi: Good, slave. Now hand over the money.
Barney: Yes, Mistress.
Green reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He opens it and pulls out the money. He hands it over to Mistress Randi and Randi takes it. Green pockets the wallet as Randi goes to speak.
Randi: Since you beat Andrew Mason and earned me some money, how about we go out tonight on a date, slave?
Barney: That sounds good, Mistress.
Randi: You remember the rules, slave?
Barney: Yes, Mistress.
Randi: Good, Slave. Now let's get going. I wanna go somewhere nice tonight. I know where we are going. Lucky's Lounge. Remember, I do the talking. You are wearing your collar but I am not gonna make you wear your leash because people might stare at you. You ready to go, Slave?
Barney: Yes, Mistress.
Randi: You have permission to stand up and lets get going, slave.
Barney: Thanks, Mistress.
Green gets up off his knees and stands up to his full height. Randi and Green head towards the front door. Randi grabs her purse. Green grabs his keys off the dining room table and Randi opens the door. Randi exits the door and Green walks out after her. Green locks the door. Randi heads towards her 2012 Blue Cheverolet Cruze. Randi reaches into her purse and pulls out her keys and opens the door with her keys and climbs in while Green gets towards the car. Randi shuts her door and starts the car while Green opens the door. Green climbs in the car and they both place on their seatbelts. Randi puts the car in drive and heads out towards the road.
Randi: Be glad I am bringing you out tonight, Slave. I could keep you at home and have you clean but I figure I should reward you for bringing in more money for me to spend. I love watching you work all day and spend all your money on myself. Just remember to win at Massacre against Jordan Penn and continue the streak to two matches. You win ten straight matches and you will get some relief. Until then, you don't get anything. No sex and no masturbation. Do I make myself clear, Slave?
Barney: Yes, Mistress. It's just been over two months now and it's been hard on me. Between working and painting houses, I don't have much spare time to even get that done. I hate the fact I am al-
Randi: You say one more word and I will move it up to 15 matches straight. I don't care what problems you have. This is about me not you. You do your job and you won't get punished. Simple as that. Why don't you understand that? I could care less what problems you have paying the bills. You chose to date me and if you really wanted to leave, You would have done so already. I freed you from your addiction to alcohol. You should be thanking me by doing what I want. You serve me. I don't serve you. I get to go out and party while you clean my house like the slave you are. You clearly enjoy this because you let me put a collar on you and do what you are told. Do I make myself clear, Slave?
Barney: Yes, Mistress.
Randi: Good, slave. Remember, you made the chose to stick around in this relationship. You are free to leave at any time. I can find somebody else. I don't want to hear another word from you until we get to Lucky's Lounge. Besides, I wanna listen to some Millionaires in peace so be quiet.
The scene slowly fades to black as Mistress Randi turns on the radio.