Time to plan on the party of a lifetime. I stepped up my game to prove a point to everybody. I needed to do it. I used to be a lover that would one night you. Proving the saying true that I can please just about anybody with my sexy little face. Maybe I should wink at you or something. I don't know. I am the best at what I do. Look at my record right now. 8-8-0. Since coming back, I have only lost 1 match. I lost to Double G of all people and look where he wound up. He is gone and nowhere to be seen. You mess with me and you disappear. Simple as that. I got the skills that pay the bills.
People come to watch me wrestle. It seems the XWF brass noticed something about me. They booked me three times in a week. Trying to break me but I am not that company guy. I am not the guy that drinks the koolaid. I am gonna call it like I see it. Yeah, I am an odd guy but guess what, I will tell it like it is. Don't even think about trying to bullshit me because I will deck you right in your face. Everybody knows these fans wish they could be me. They can't because they couldn't handle being on the road as often as I am. They should try to do my job but they will fail because I am the best in the world right now.
Going down to the LV to show either girls or trannies that the thrust is a must. Maybe I will pick up a guy instead. who knows? People call me shock value because I am so open about my life. That's what attracts people to me because I will speak my mind and do what I feel is right in life. I was the class clown in high school and barely passed. Look where I am now. Making a good $25,000 a month from the XWF alone while I earn about $300-$625 a day painting houses. Raking in a little over a quarter of a million a year. Half of the people in my graduating class put themselves in debt and now the economy hit the crapper. I love it because my school told me I would never go anywhere in life without a college degree. I have been all over the world in my career and had a good run as the owner of BG Studios until it went bankrupt. I got more creativity in my pinky finger than half of those jackasses I went to school with. I am talking about you, Mr. Smith. You bored me to sleep with your lectures. I get detention for sleeping in class. Never bothered me. Who is the one that is stuck driving a cheap 1986 Pinto? Not me.
I guess I should talk about the match a little bit. I got no problems with RJ Palmer and Anjelleka Slayter. I wish them luck on their quest for the Tag Belts. RJ is a tough competitor any day of the week and I dread the day we face off in the ring. It will eventually happen. Anjelleka Slayter is fairly attractive. Not gonna lie. Maybe its because I haven't had any action in a few months and no relief but I get semi-erect looking at her. Thankfully its small enough I don't think she has noticed.
Nemesis. What is this, Resident Evil? You got a guy wearing a mask that looks like he bought it at the dollar store. Yeah, I am talking about you, Scott Charlotte. The Wraith. You can call yourself Al. You and your buddies aren't gonna win against me. I am gonna kick your ass with my size thirteen foot. The former resident rock star. You go from playing the generic rock band champion to a guy wearing a potato sack on his head with eye holes. It's my time to take you down on my rise to greatness.
Ace Wylde. The elder statesman of the group. Any group needs an old man to help guide them. Only problem is you aren't that great of a wrestler. Look at your record. 0-2-0. You aren't gonna guide them anywhere but down the toilet. I will flush you. Might need a plunger because you are the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen. You may be taller than me but I have never backed down from a challenge in my life before and I don't plan on doing it now.
Psico Payaso. First of all, you spelled Psico wrong, its Psycho. A clown in this stable. This is entertaining. What kind of tricks do you do? Do you make balloon animals? Are you gonna make me a little doggie? How about a sword? No? Now, You hurt my feelings. How about I lock on the Green Dream and make you tap? I aint laughing when I say that. I mean it. You are right about the fact I get injured easily. You are right about that but guess what I got no problem fighting through injuries. You called my girlfriend a shemale. Shows what you know. That is a real woman I am with right now. You talk about me being able to be broken easily mentally and physically. I don't think you got it in you to wrestle injured, bitch. I am going all out in all three of my matches because I am a showoff. I am better than Jack Tyler and I know I would be a better champion than Kyle Shane. Take that to the bank, fella. Everybody has flaws and I just happen to have a lot of them.
That stable looks like a bad joke. A clown, a monster, and Father Time go to a bar. One of those types of jokes. This should be fun watching the true talent on this otherwise lackluster roster take out the trash. Nemesis, you picked the wrong week to be booked against me. Later, losers.
The scene up outside of McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. We see Barney Green, dressed in a black and gold Bruins shrit with black khakis and black sneakers, hoding his suitcase. Jeff Night, dressed in a blue shirt with white khakis and white sneakers, is standing next to Green and has a suitcase of his own. Green goes to speak.
Barney: Welcome to my old home, bro. The city that never sleeps. Just waiting for Davis Starfire to show up and we will go and party a bit. We are staying at The Luxor for a few days. Get drunk and have some fun. Go around town looking at other people's daughters. You know what I mean?
Jeff: Hell yeah, man. It looks like the old Barney Green is back. I can't believe it. I thought you were wrapped under her finger.
Barney: I used to be but I wanted to go out and have fun for a change instead of getting stuck in the house by myself doing all the work while Mistress Randi went out every day partying. She also followed me to my job in the XWF. Only difference is she can't this time. I took every card with me but my Visa and I will pay it after I get off the boat. Maybe I should relocate back to Las Vegas. I miss this city. Boston will always be my home though.
Jeff: Do what you feel is right, man. I just don't think I will be following you to Las Vegas if you do move here permenantely.
Barney: It's all good, bro. I understand why you don't want to move out here. You have a great life in Boston. I would give you full control of the business if you wanted it should I decide to stay in Las Vegas.
Jeff: Thanks, man. I wouldn't let you down with the business. Speaking of business, where is Davis Starfire?
Barney: He should be here soon. Let me call him.
Green reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cellphone. He turns it on and goes to speak.
Barney: I already got 30 missed calls from Mistress Randi. Now, time to call Davis.
Green opens the cellphone and dials a number. He then places the phone towards his ear and goes to speak.
Barney: Hey, Davis! How are ya?
Davis: Doing pretty good. Been a long time since we last met up. You sure you are ready to party?
Barney: I have been partying since I was sixteen and drinking since I was twelve. So, Jeff and I are waiting at the airport. Where are you?
Davis: Right across the street. Waiting at a red light. Should be there in about five minutes. I get to see the legendary Green pound back shots. You are still considered a legend here. It's amazing because you haven't lived in Las Vegas for about two years now. People tend to fade away but you didn't.
Barney: Thats impressive. It's a shame you left the XWF. You were going places but you just fizzled out.
Davis: I left because I realized that wasn't the right place for me so I stepped away to reevaluate my life and where I am going. Besides, I got plenty of things going on right now. I still hit the gym every so often and excercise when my schedule allows it. Anyway, I am gonna let you go because I am gonna be turning into the Airport in any second.
Barney: Okay, bro. We are at the drop off point.
Green hangs up his phone and places it in his pocket. Jeff goes to speak.
Jeff; So, I take it he is almost here then, man.
Barney: Yeah, bro. He just entered the Airport. I think I see his car. Yeah, that is it.
A 2006 purple Chevy Malibu pulls up towards Green and Night. The car stops right in front of the sidewalk. Green opens the back door while Jeff opens the front. Green places his suitcase in the back and grabs Jeff's suitcase and places it in the back next to him. Green climbs in the back while Jeff gets in the front seat. They shut the doors and put on their seatbelts as Davis gets ready to leave the airport.
Davis: Now, this is gonna be one fun night. I got Jeff Night, the manager of icons and the drunken master, Barney Green. This is gonna be a hell of a night for everybody involved.
Jeff: You said it, man. Just remember to knock on the door with Green because you might see something you wish you could unsee.
Barney: I told you not to just barge into the room with your room key. My bad. I am gonna go grind up against some ladies because I am ready to explode. I am so horny its not even funny. I haven't had sex in months. I think I still got that pretty little face and charm with me.
Davis: Too much info, Barn. Just don't get too tipsy. So where is your girlfriend anyway?
Barney: Back in Boston. I literally snuck out while she was shopping. She is currently blowing up my phone but has no way to get to me as she probably maxed out the Visa and I don't plan on paying it until I get back from Battle On The Boat.
Jeff: Yeah, he did do that. I literally picked him up off the street and decided to come with him to provide some entertainment on the journey and make sure he doesn't get arrested.
Davis: That's just great. The fact you would sneak out like that and not tell her. Any place we need to stop before we go have some fun?
Barney: Yeah, I need to stop by Steve's Storage to pick up a few things. Mostly old clothes and a couple copies of my old movies. We can have some fun in the Luxor watching them after getting drunk and gambling away our life savings. This is one week I want to remember for a long time so I might as well do it in style with my true friends.
Jeff: Thanks, man. I have always considered you a good friend. You may have been a drunk at one point but you have finally seen the light and have used it to your advantage. The sky is the limit for you right now. Just don't fall off the bandwagon after a few nights of drinking.
Davis: Its good to see you sober but you need to have some fun in life instead of working every single waking hour of your life. Time to get smashed.
Barney: What can I say? I love the LV. Fun place to party and you can walk the streets shitfaced and the city never sleeps. I may have many shortcomings but I can still party and dance the nights away. I have a high pain tolerance as you all know and have seen. I wrestled with kidney stones before. In fact, I have a picture of one that I had removed recently.
Barney: Those things hurt like a mother going through the kidney.
Jeff: That looks like it hurt and I can't imagine how much pain it puts your body through, man. I give you credit for being willing to wrestle especially while suffering from those.
Davis: It's amazing how something so small can cause so much pain.
Barney: Tell me about it. It seems we are almost at Steve's Storage. Just take a left at this red light and we shall be there. I still got the key to my unit. Been paying for it all this time using money that Mistress Randi didn't know about. I had to hide it somehow and it worked shockingly.
Jeff: I give you credit on that one.
Davis: Okay, Barn. I will turn as soon as I can. Then we can get to our hotel and enjoy a few drinks.
Barney: Bingo, bro. That is the plan and then we can cruise around later on at night. Going to clubs and dancing. Getting drunk and continue the night.
Davis: Now you are talking. It should be one big adventure spread out over a couple of days.
Jeff: I am ready to start getting buzzed as well, man.
The scene fades to black as Barney. Davis, and Jeff continue talking.