Welcome To Episode 5: Going Out In Style. The streak is over but my drive is still going strong. Neptune pulled out the victory. Time to prove my worth though.
I got to stand tall and not get discouraged or upset over a simple loss. It happens. I can't cry about it. I just gotta roll forward. Now, Nio and Neptune face off at this same show with the Hart Title on the line. Whoever wins that match could be my opponent at the next PPV. Regardless of what happens, I will go all out to win.
People never really know the true story about why I act the way I do. It's simple. I got addicted to alcohol and that pretty much started my downward spiral. I would sneak bottles of Bailey's Irish Cream out of my parents liquor cabinet. You see, the back is usually cardboard so all you have to do is push the cabinet slightly forward and reach back there. 12 years old and pounding back shots when my parents weren't home.
I am going to go all out to win this match. Its time to bring back an old finisher of mine that used to injure opponents. The Kenny Rogers Driver. Why is my move named after Kenny Rogers? Good question. I just like his music. If there is a problem with that, I will hunt you down and dig through your garbage.
It was fun back when I was kid though. Going to school drunk and passing out in classes. I remember a history class I took as a Junior hammered. I would literally sleep in the class yet the teacher passed me. I didn't do a single assignment in that class. I never got in trouble for being intoxicated in high school. People usually ignored the signs.
I am pretty sure I killed any chance of having a normal life but I don't care. Constant court battles and a few arrests here and there. I have been to court five times so far over dumb charges. The last one wasn't my fault. That idiot shouldn't have called the cops over me pissing on his fence. The alcohol controls what I do.
I figure when I die, they can play that Dropkick Murphys song at my funeral. "Going Out In Style" is the perfect choice. They can soak me down with whiskey and roast me until I am black and crisp. Take me down to the TD Garden and dump my ashes all around it. I can enjoy watching the Bruins play from beyond the grave.
I am going to show everybody never to give up on me. Never to stop believing in me. I can walk out the ring with my head held high at least come Rage In The Cage. Lets take a brief look at my opponents.
The Dark Shadow. Decent competitor but not a threat yet. I can easily trick him by giving him a quarter or something. He will probably be nonexistant like usual. I got this match in the bag and I feel this will be the year of Barney Green.
Mattaki Fukushuu. I don't know how to even pronounce that name. Listen Fuckashoe, Nothing you do can scare me. I got plenty of weight on me so it will be hard to lift me. I just gotta lock in the Green Dream and make you tap. Who knows what will happen?
Wisdom Curtis. The one guy I see as a legitimate threat to me winning this match. He is five and zero while I am four and one. I am going to end his streak though at Rage In The Cage. He got lucky against Reggie Fresh. He is a challenge but I love challenges. The harder they are, the better I feel about solving it.
The scene opens up in Barney Green's apartment and we see Barney Green, dressed in a black and gold Mark Recchi jersey and black khakis with black sneakers, sitting in a chair looking at his television. Foley Anderson, dressed in a black shirt with blue jean shorts and white sneakers, is sitting on the couch looking at the television with Green. Barney reaches into the cooler next to him and pulls out a bottle of Southern Comfort. He opens it and takes a swig. He then goes to speak.
Barney: I can't believe I lost to Neptune.
Foley: Don't feel bad, kid. You did good though going four and zero. You are now four and one but thats okay. I haven't given up on you, yet. You just gotta stay focused and keep doing what you do best.
Barney takes another swig of Southern Comfort and goes to speak as Foley listens.
Barney: You are right. I got a little too overconfident. When you go on a streak like that, you don't know what to expect.
Foley: Don't forget about your flight out tomorrow to California.
Barney: Thanks for reminding me. Its going to be a crazy day tomorrow. Gotta get out to California so I can prove my enemies wrong and win the match.
Barney takes another swig of Southern Comfort as Foley goes to speak.
Foley: Just promise me you won't get arrested again in California. You are lucky they let you come back home.
Barney: I still don't understand why I got arrested.
Foley: You assaulted a man with a briefcase.
Green throws the bottle of Southern Comfort down to the ground in a fit of rage as he goes to speak.
Barney: He shouldn't have been badmouthing Brutus Briefcase like that.
Foley: For the last time, It's a damn briefcase not a person.
Barney: Listen, I don't like the way you are talking about my friend.
Foley: I give up. I am sorry. You are right. Just don't attack any more people in California. Judge Joe Brown wasn't too happy last time to see you in his courtroom.
Barney: He will get over it. Besides, The public knows of my love for the liquor and fighting.
Foley: That will eventually get you in a heap of trouble. Trouble that not even your lawyer will be able to bail you out of. He is good but you will eventually take it to a level where he won't be able to help you.
Barney: I am not too worried. I just don't know when to stop drinking. By the time I realize I have had a shot, its about my fifth or sixth shot.
Foley: Just try to behave yourself this time. Don't do anything stupid because they might not let you leave. The judge said it was your last chance.
Barney: All I gotta do is throw some money at the judge and he will let me leave.
Foley: I have checked your finances, Barn. You are barely making enough money to support your habit. Your lifestyle will eventually be the end of you.
Barney: I got plenty of secret places where I hide beer that no one would even think of looking.
Foley: I once found a six pack of beer in the toilet bowl before in your house. Imagine my surprise.
Barney: Like I said, it pays to have hidden beer in the house.
Foley: I think we should get back onto the topic at hand. You gotta prepare for your match against Wisdow Curtis, The Dark Shadow, and Mattaki Fukushuu. We should head to the gym and get you focused.
Barney: Good idea. Lets go out and train. Get me focused on winning because I plan on it.
The scene fades to black as Foley and Barney continue talking.