The scene opens up inside of a gym where we Barney Green, dressed in a black and gold Boston Bruins shirt and a pair of black shorts with black sneakers, running on a treadmill. We see Foley Anderson, dressed in a white tanktop with blue jean shorts, coaching Barney Green.
Foley: Come on, Barn. You can do it. Prove to the XWF why they should have let you back in.
Barney: I am the Boston Brawler. Ready to go all out to win. Got nothing to lose.
Green, with a fire lit in his eyes, starts to pick up the pace on the treadmill. He starts running faster as the time slowly moves down.
Foley: Just one more minute. You gotta make it count. Do what you can, Barn. I know you have the potential to win the number one contendership and take the Hart Belt home after that.
Barney: I can do it and I will prove my opponents wrong. Why would you mess with the American Everyman. The guy that will never quit. I am.. Barney Green...
The treadmill comes to a stop so Green can get off of it. Green slowly steps off of the treadmill.
Barney: Thanks for motivating me. Glad you came back to my life. I missed talking to you. It was pretty lonely in my apartment after Jeff Night left. It felt weird being alone.
Foley: No problem. You are going to do just fine in your match against Wisdom Curtis, The Dark Shadow, and Mattaki Fukushuu. You are in better shape now than you were two years ago.
Barney: And to think I had to bust my ass on Impact lighting the crowd with my wrestling skills while they just waltzed right in and got on Elevation. Unbelievable.
Foley: I know, Barn. Time to start lifting weights. I say do two sets of 15 reps and set the weight at two hundred and fifty pounds.
Barney: Sounds good, Foley.
Barney and Foley move over to a weight bench. Green grabs a couple of weights and places them on a barbell. He goes and sits down on the bench while Foley gets ready to spot him. Green lifts the barbell and starts doing reps.
Foley: Come on, Barn. Only thirteen more to go. You can do it. You are doing great. Prove to them why you are the Boston Brawler. Why you are the American Everyman. Why you are one of the fastest rising stars the XWF has.
Green finishes the first set with ease and places the barbell back in place while he catches his breath.
Foley: Good job, Barn. You are doing great.
Barney: Thanks. I just want to prove my opponents wrong and shock the world. I am going to show the world what I am capable of.
Green grabs the barbell and starts lifting again.
Foley: You can do it, Barn. Keep it up. You are doing great. Prove to them why you are a former X-Treme Champion.
Barney: I can do that. I can prove who I am and what I can do in the ring.
Green slowly places the barbell down and goes to sit up. The sweat pouring down his face as he sits up on the bench.
Barney: I feel better now. I can do this.
Foley: I believe in you, Barney. You are a good kid.
Barney: Thanks. I try my best. Time to go back to training.
The scene fades to black as Foley and Barney continue talking.
The time has come for the battle lines to be drawn against my enemies. Slowly training and honing my skills to the top. Going to shut down the haters and show why I am Barney Green.
I am going to do what I do best and that is win. I may not be the best wrestler out there but I can get the fans behind me. As long as the fans keep chanting my name, I will keep getting back up. I don't know when to stay down. I am loyal to my fans and friends.
Wisdom Curtis. You are the only real threat I see in this match. The guy that can take me to my limit. I respect you on that alone but you aren't going to win this battle because fate is on my side. I won't let you win. I will fight you until I stop breathing.
Mattaki Fukushuu. It seems you have faded away as well. I am going to easily beat you. You may be taller than me and skinnier but I won't back down. I am five foot eleven and three hundred twenty pounds. I am not worried. I can just nail the Kenny Rogers Driver on you and win the match.
The Dark Shadow. I got nothing to worry about with you, kid. You are a good wrestler but its not your time yet. It will be your time somewhere down the road but its just not now. Sorry.
I have come back from injuries. Hell, I once wreslted a match a few days after having a few kidney stones removed. I was in a lot of pain but I didn't give up. I lost the match but I fought like hell. He earned that win.
The debt I still owe to a bunch of places in Las Vegas is slowly going down. It is something like forty five thousand dollars left I owe from bar tabs I racked up and money I borrowed from banks to fund BG Studios. I watched in fall under my watch and under my hands. It was a sad thing to see. I nearly cried when the cops showed up and forced me to vacate the building and hand over my keys. Most of the money I earn from the XWF goes towards that debt due to the court ruling that my wages be garnished.
Its a shameful thing really. You can only learn from the mistakes you make and what you do wrong. I learned that I was a terrible leader and terrible with money. I spent money on dumb things like that glass elephant I bought. The bank wound up auctioning off BG Studios so that helped pay off some of the money I owed them. It was terrible when I lost Green Mansion as well. The bank foreclosed on me and I lost everything in the move. I wound up keeping three suitcases worth of stuff and my laptop. I am glad they let me keep the car at least. I remember driving from Las Vegas down to Boston. That was a long journey. It took me about ten or so days on the road. I slept in my car pretty much and lived off what I had on me. I had about three hundred dollars on me. Most of it went on gas and the rest went on whatever was the cheapest thing I could eat. I knew I had to come back home and start over fresh.
My first day in Boston I applied to work in a few places. I wound up stocking shelves in a grocery store until I start to feel the itch to step back into the ring. I contacted Jeff Night who agreed to help get me back into ring shape. While we may have had a huge fight, he is the main reason I got back into the business. He worked with me.
Come Rage In The Cage, You are going to see a new Barney Green. One that is ready to win. Good luck, guys.