Sunday Morning Hangover Show

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


The scene opens up inside Rexall Place as we hear "Holding Out For A Hero" blaring over the PA system and we see Barney Green standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone. The fans are going nuts as Green goes to speak.

Barney: Welcome wrestling fans to the show that I have put together by myself and with my own funds. I appreciate the fact you guys came out to watch this show. You see, L was a great man. He was something that most legends aren't. He was a humble man and proud of himself. He didn't rub it in your face that he was a legend. He was what a true legend should be and I can respect his decision to walk away from wrestling with his head held high. He entered the WWG on his own terms and left on a high note. This show is for you buddy wherever you may be.

The fans start chanting L's name throughout the arena as Green stops to catch his breath. Green goes to speak again.

Barney: Now, lets raise a bottle of Guinness and get this show started in just a few moments. Please welcome the commentating duo for the night. Coming down to the ring first, he is a one time OLWF Intercontinental Champion, a five time WCCW World Champion, and a one time GWF Tag Team Champion, he is Foley Anderson.

"Rock You Like A Hurricane" by The Scorpions starts to blare throughout the arena as we see Foley Anderson appear from the back dressed in a black suit with black shoes. Foley high fives a few fans on the way down and enters the broadcast booth. The music fades.

Barney: He will be joined by my longtime pal. The manager of champions. He is.. Jeff Night.

"Addicted To Love" by Robert Palmer starts playing as Jeff Night comes out dressed in a baby blue suit with a white cowboy hat. He walks down the ring and enters the broadcast booth as the music fades. Green goes to speak.