Prom Dress

~ Barney Green- Money Matters!!! ~


Tell me why I should care about the fans? They come to my show to watch me. I know they wanna watch me get my assed kicked but that's not what happens. I win because I am the greatest man that has ever lived. Whether you like it or not. You might as well face it. You are addicted to me. You fans wish you could be me. I have enough energy to work two jobs and get everything taken care of. I wrestle here, WWG and XWF. I also paint houses. I work everywhere and earn money. Something that seems foreign to these fans. I don't drink so I now see the world for what it is. Full of liars and cheats. I fly out of Boston every Sunday Morning and go wrestle on Massacre. I then take a flight out on Tuesday Morning to wherever WWG Legacy is being held. I then go home by Thursday Night. Luckily for me UCW is only booked once a month so I fly out wherever I am needed and then go home the rest of my week. I have no off season. I go paint houses on my days off. Earning the money you wish you had.

You can call me any name under the sun. I got that old fashioned Irish temper that will take you down. My bite is a lot worse than my bark. I can easily handle myself in every match. Go out there and win. Keep fighting until my opponent doesn't get back up. You can insult my entrance theme all you want. Mistress Randi chose it for me and I do what Mistress Randi asks me to do. I go out and win matches. Win titles. Leave people crying because they failed at their pathetic attempt at holding onto their precious little belts. I am simply the best wrestler around. I can easily brawl with the best of them. I will bust your lip with the Goodnight Kick. Lock on the Green Dream and leave you barely breathing after you tapped out. I could break out the Kenny Rogers Driver and attempt to injure you with. I am a triple threat. I got three different deadly moves in my arsenal that will leave you defenseless.

No more of that stupid version of Green that used to drink beer and make the fans happy. The one that people cheered for because he would drink with them and party. I straightened my life out and people can't deal with that. What did you think was gonna happen? Either I was gonna done from it or I was gonna sober up. That just shows what type of people you really are. I learned the truth from Mistress Randi. You can call her all kinds of names but at the end of the day, She doesn't care and I will just kick your ass for insulting my girlfriend.

This version of Green is ready to go toe to toe with whoever they wanna throw at him. I can bench 400 pounds. My pain has healed except for the kidney stones. Make no bones about it. They are a serious problem. Picture something the size of a pebble coming out of your penis. Doesn't sound pleasent, does it? Welcome to my world. When they won't pass, you have to go in for surgery. I have wrestled matches the day after surgery.

It seems my opponent got shuffled out which I find entertaining because her promo was so dumb that even Lance Hendrickson agreed. She got fired and gets replaced by Eric Steel. I look at it like this. This is gonna be a fight. You either fight or you learn to defend yourself. I have brawled with the best of them and come out on top. I do what i am told and just march forward. I am ready to go against a guy I have never met before and win.

You can bring up the fact I lost my only match in this promotion. I could care less. It was against Jackson Adams. The most arrogant man i have ever met. Also an asshole but I know understnad where he is coming from. Fans are vultures and will try to get suck as much blood as possible from you. I stopped caring after they caused me to lose money at a job.

Call me a show off if you want but I am the best in the world. Simply the greatest wretsler around. I have no fear in the ring which should scare you. I have no problem beating you to the point you pass out from it. I enjoy the sight of blood. You think you are gonna make a name for yourself by beating on me. Not gonna fly. You see I can cut rhymes. I have evolved with the times. This isn't a joke. I don't smoke. Its all about how you handle yourself in the ring. Once that bell rings, you go all out. I will prove to you and the UCW audience why I am the best. They can boo me all they want. They came to my show. That means they wanted to see me. Well, gee. Don't hate me because I can win fights. You will be seeing the lights. I make my own fate. Aftwards, I go out on a date. Hopefully, I am not late. You are gonna get your behind kicked so hard that when you blink, you will see my laces. Later.