RP #1 Fun Times at Green Mansion


Scene: Green Mansion
People: Barney Green, Foley Anderson,and Leroy Smith
Date: July 21, 2008
Time: 3:51PM

:::I am inside my gym training with Foley Anderson.I am wearing a Black t-shirt with Green written on it and black jogging pants with a green stripe.:::

Foley: You ready, Barney?

Barney: I am always ready for just about anything. I have more money than just about everyone on this roster.

Foley: Yeah.. Exactly.. You got it made. Why you wasting your time in this business?

Barney: I like to rub it in peoples faces that i make more money in one day then they do in a whole week. Ha Ha!

:::I am lifting weights while Foley spots me. I hear a knock at the door.:::

Barney: Come in..

Leroy: Sir, your dinner is ready.

Barney: Thanks, Leroy. We will be done in a minute.

Leroy: Okay, sir.. See you in a bit.

:::I finish up and place the weights back. I head through the door and leave the gym with Foley Anderson. I enter the dining room with him. I grab a bottle of Rolling Rock. I sit down at the table and look at the meal. Nice Grilled T-Bone steak with some mashed potatoes and corn on the side. I open the bottle of Rolling Rock and take a swig.:::

Foley: We gotta talk strategy if you wanna win against Dark Kamen. I figure you use brute force against him if you plan on winning. Make him think he just got hit by a bus. He is skinnier than you and a bit taller. You got experience though. Your cut-throat business tactics work most of the time.

Barney: True but you never know what people are gonna try to pull on you. You have to be on your toes. You got Hardcore Smitty taking over Impact. Eh, im not worried. What is he gonna do? fire me? Ha! I can always buy my way back in. I hope Dark Kamen accepts my offer to just lay down and let me get the win. Everybody needs money. I have my own Mansion. Hell, i even own a production studio.

Foley: Thanks to you, i no longer need to work on the independent circuit. I can sit back and you pay me. All i really do is train you. Its a hard life i have lived.

Green: I treat my employees right. You aren't gonna make it anywhere if you treat your employees bad. I think i should check out my production studio because they wanted me for an interview.

Foley: You should get going soon. Dark Kamen is nothing compared to you. You could go out there and just hit him once and that will be the end.

Barney: Exactly.. Thats how i feel about this. Im gonna go out there and win. Its all about money and control. I got the money and control. Kamen is nothing but a jobber.

::: I finish eating and finish my bottle of Rolling Rock. I head out to my limo. I get into it and the driver shuts the door. He starts up the car and drives to BG Studios.:::

Scene: BG Studios
People: Barney Green, Sean Memphis, and Eric Williams
Date: July 21, 2008
Time: 6:09PM

:::I get out the limo and head into BG Studios to do some work. I stop by my office and reach into the mini-fridge and grab a bottle of Rolling Rock. I head out my office. I run into Eric Williams, One of the Production Assistants that help run this place.:::

Eric: Barney, the plan we have is for you to get on stage through the trapdoor. We are gonna have you invade the current show going on which is Vegas Championship Wrestling where Sean Memphis talks about each match he is gonna show. Its pretty much old wrestling.:::

Barney: That sounds like a good idea. I will get in position and appear when he is about to introduce another match.

:::I walk through the studio and head underneath the stage. Passing by all the technical people and junk. I am underneath the stage.:::

Sean: We are gonna show you a classic match...

::: I climb up through the trapdoor.:::

Barney: That doesn't suck..

Sean: Well..This is a surprise..Barney Green on Vegas Championship Wrestling. It's kinda ironic since the match I am gonna show you is Barney Green vs. Foley Anderson, Fans Bring The Weapons Match. Any comments before we roll it?

Barney: This was a hard fought match. I got hit with an NES Catridge. I hit him with a Atari 2600 console though. This was a shocking match. We both fought everywhere. If i remember this fight wound up on the street. It was brutal as all hell.

Sean: Roll it..

:::I am watching the match and decide to talk to Sean for a few minutes.:::

Barney: Bet you didn't expect to see me..

Sean: No i didn't. Last i saw was you on Impact talking about how you were there to make a difference. Gratz on getting signed..

Barney: Thanks and my first match is against Dark Kamen.. I have watched him in action. He showed promise now he is just a jobber.

Sean: You got this in the bag. I can assure you on that. You are one of the richest men on earth. You can buy just about anything.

Barney: I still cant afford a time machine yet. That would be fun..Ha!

Sean: I am amazed at that. What a vicious shot you just took in that match from that Bowling pin.

Barney: Yeah but i got up and finished it like a true pro.

Sean: That you did..

:::What an intense match this is. I remember this match well. I finish the bottle of Rolling Rock. It ended with Foley Anderson picking up the victory and thats about it.:::

Sean: Welcome back..

Barney: Foley Anderson may have won but it was still a hard fought match. So what are we gonna show next?

Sean: The next match is The Associate vs. Kenny K. Mart and Joe Target in a handicap match. Another classic.

Barney: The Associate is a good friend of mine and this was another one of their famous matches in VCW. Associate brought his A game to this match. Lets roll it.

Sean: So you ready for your match?

Barney: I have been training with Foley Anderson to get ready for this match. Im pretty confident in winning. Anyway i am gonna get out of here. Bye, Sean.

Sean: Thats nice.. See you later, Barney.

:::I step off the set and head down the hallway back to my office to finish up some paperwork. I grab another bottle of Rolling Rock from my Mini-fridge. I drink it as i finish the paper work. Junk like legality papers. I finish filling them out and put them in the finished pile. I leave the Studio and head back to my limo. The limo is driving me back home since there is nothing left for me do.:::

Scene: Green Mansion
People: Barney Green, and Foley Anderson
Date: July 21, 2008
Time: 7:51PM

:::I see the limo drive onto my property and it stops and the guy lets me out the limo. I head inside Green Mansion. I see Foley Anderson watching TV in my living room. I head to the living room. I sit down on the couch still drinking my bottle of Rolling Rock. Foley Anderson is watching 3 Ninjas. That movie sucks so bad it fucks. It combined Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Home Alone. I give that movie half a star. The only thing worse than it is Santa With Muscles. Why do i watch such shitty movies? People wonder why i drink.:::

Barney: Foley, why are you watching such a shitty movie?

Foley: It isn't that bad of a movie.. True, the stuff is boring and pointless. It still entertains in my opinion.

Barney: It amazes me what Hollywood throws out their. They make sequels to shitty movies yet skip the good movies like Hitman.. Hitman should have had a sequel. What were they thinking?

Foley: I have no idea.. Some of the movies they throw out there.. It seems they are remaking a lot of old movies. Journey to the Center of the Earth is one i remember watching. It seems studios are running thin on ideas so they remake old movies.

Barney: I noticed that as well.. The original Halloween was good. Then, i see they remade Halloween with Rob Zombie directing it. It was an okay remake. They remade The Omen. The Omen was a good movie series in itself except the 3rd Part. That part was boring as fuck. I want to see if they remake The Omen II, III, and IV.

Foley: That would be an interesting idea. Remake all The Omen movies.. See how much they can fuck it up. They think they can "retool" an old movie by adding all kinds of special effects to it. House on Haunted Hill was one of the best horror movies ever done in my opinion.

Barney: Exactly.. I see it that way as well. Dark Kamen is nothing compared to me. I could probably beat him blindfolded and with one arm tied behind my back. If he is a cop, why is he wrestling? Oh i get it, he needs more money because cops make less money and they get shot at all the time. You aren't that good. I have seen good wrestlers and i have seen bad wrestlers. You fit the bad wrestler mold very well. I feel sorry for your family. If i had a dad that wrestled like you did. I would legally change my name. I am gonna show you and your family what i am capable of. You will feel the Green Dream. You will wonder who you pissed off to face me.. I need another bottle of Rolling Rock.

Foley: How many bottles have you drank?

Barney: 4 bottles but i am fine.

:::I step out the living room and head to the dining room. I reach in the fridge for a bottle of Rolling Rock. I shut the fridge and head back to the living room. I open the bottle of Rolling Rock and take a swig.:::

Foley: You drink a lot for someone who is rich.

Barney: You better believe it.

Foley: Dark Kamen is just a joke that people laugh about. He looked impressive at first and then he fell on his ass literally. He is now just a jobber.

Barney: What can you do? All i can do is keep kicking his ass all over the ring and then hit him with the Green Dream..It will be all over for him.. BLWA was the same, I fought Drake Daniels and beat him twice in a row. I held the GCW UnEmploycore Belt for a whole month before i dropped it to move up. Everybody who fought me wound up unemployed. Matrix, that fool thought he could take me by fearing me. Instead, i locked in the Green Dream and won. Dark Kamen is going down that road and i dont feel bad because its gonna be lights out soon. Im coming to take over and theres not a damn thing you can do about it. Kamen, you have 2 choices you can make. One is you can just lay down and let me pin you or Two, you can fight and still lose.

:::I finish up the bottle of Rolling Rock and head upstairs to get ready for bed. I put on my pyjamas and fall asleep:::

Scene: Green's Dream
People: Barney Green
Date: July 21, 2008
Time: 10:51PM

::: What in the name of Captain Murphy is going here? Who is that?:::

???: You Got Rick Rude!

Barney: Okay.. So you mean to tell me instead of getting Rick Rolled? I got Rick Rude.. Okay.. I really need to cut back drinking..

Rick: Im simply Ravishing...

Barney: Get the fuck out. What kind of dream is this? Rick Rude? Oh for the love of cornflakes.

:::I really need to stop drinking.. This is the dumbest dream i have ever had in my life. It even beats that dream i had about eating Cornflakes. You know what? Time for me to wake the fuck up. I cant deal with Rick Rude gyrating his hips at me.

Scene: Green Mansion
People: Barney Green
Date: July 22, 2008
Time: 12:01AM

Green: Ah!!!!!!!

:::I step back out of bed and walk downstairs and see that Foley Anderson is asleep on my couch. I grab a couple bottles of Rolling Rock from the fridge and i head out to my balcony and sit down on a chair. I open a bottle and start drinking it. Dark Kamen, you got nothing on me. You think you are big and bad because you can carry a gun. Hell, half of New York City wields guns and most of them are in gangs. You picked the wrong fight with me, fool. You are gonna need Chuck Norris to beat me. I doubt Chuck Norris would want to work with a fool such as yourself. The booze flows through my veins like radiation did Spiderman. I am Spiderman and you are Kingpin.. I always win. You will be picking up your teeth when im through because im gonna knock them out. I am Rocky Balboa and you are Thunderlips. I am gonna punch you so hard that when you wake up, you are gonna be in the hospital wondering why we have hovercrafts. You better be ready..:::