Scene: Green Mansion
People: Barney Green and Foley Anderson
Date: July 31st, 2008
Time: 5:04PM
:::I am inside the gym training with Foley Anderson.. I am lifting weights and he is running on the treadmill. I stop lifting and lay back on the bench.:::
Barney: Can you believe what Eric Anderson has said about me? He made fun of the fact i ran GreenTV. He can talk about me all he wants. I hope he enjoys the new show im working on..
Foley: That is brillant.
Barney: Eric Anderson is an idiot. He wanted to badmouth not only me but you as well.. He brought my friend into this.. Are you related to him?
Foley: Not to my knowledge,no.
Barney: Eric Anderson is a tool.. The Black Order is gonna get taken down. I can assure you on that. With Xander Azula as my tag partner, We will destroy Eric Anderson. In fact, im working on a new show detailing his prison record. That dude is a thug. He shouldn't be allowed to wrestle here. In fact, if he so much as lays a finger on me.. I will sue him.
Foley: Why bother getting so upset? All you gotta do is win..
Barney: I feel bad for Eric.. He brought this upon himself. You making fun of my weight makes you look like an ass because everyone does it. Just because I have an eating problem doesn’t mean you should doubt my skills in the ring because you will on your ass faster than a blonde girl at a frat party. Ha Ha! This is the big time now and I have to dare to win instead of letting people walk over me. I will not bow to anyone. I am done doing that. I am sick of every idiot thinking that I am gonna sit there and let them win. Simply because it gets old hearing that I beat you over and over again. What if I said, I beat you over and over again. Wouldn’t it suck? You are damn right it would. Will I ever slow down in my descent to greatness? You better believe i will never slow down. The sea will run rampant with the blood of my enemies. What more can i say about you? You are a joke. You make Honkey Lighthouse look like a legend..
Foley: I noticed that. He talks big and he doesn't follow up on it. He is like a poodle. All bark and no bite. The idiots think that because they attract women and gay men that they will recieve a push and they expect you to make them look good when they no-sell your moves. What the fuck?
Barney: Yeah i know.. It makes me laugh out there. People trying to put something over you. Why i may ask? They think they are better than you. Well excuse me, i have been in this business for a long time. I am better off than most people are. You can call me a joke all you want but i got more friends. I am better liked and everyone will.. KNEEL BEFORE BARNEY!
Foley: Isn't it, "Kneel before Zod"?
Barney: True but everyone will lose in the end because Money Matters. It dont matter how good you are in the ring, all i gotta do is break out the checkbook and pay you off. Everybody has a price. All the Greeniacs are gonna go nuts when i beat you. Xander Azula is getting paid well to assist me so you better be ready.
Foley: Yeah that fool doesn't know what he is getting himself into. He is gonna be out cold