Rolling Rock 4 Life 3/3

Xander Azula was used with Permission


Scene: Green Mansion
People: Jerry Jensen, Foley Anderson, and Barney Green
Date: August 30, 2008
Time: 12:04AM

:::I am still tinkering a bit with the time machine.:::

Barney: Foley..If you ever and i mean ever call Bill Cosby back here again, im gonna hurt you..

Foley: It could have been worse.

Jerry: How so? Bill Cosby showing up wasn't bad?

Barney: It couldn't have gotten any worse. If you ever bring Cosby back here, you will be dealing with him by yourself, fool.

Foley: Eh...Im sorry about that..

Barney: Lets call some other people. Flip the switch Jerry..

Jerry: Go for it..

Barney: Fred Sandford and Grady Wilson.

:::The time machine glows for a second and then look and see Fred Sanford and Grady Wilson appear.:::

Fred: Where am i?

Grady: Who are you again?

Fred: You should know who i am, dummy.

Grady: Is that you Lamont? Wait until i tell Fred what you said about me.

Fred: Shut up Grady. I am Fred.

Grady: Oh.. Fred, you wouldn't believe what your son said to me. He called me a dummy.

Fred: Where is your head at? I called you a dummy.

Grady: Umm.. How am i a dummy? I dont sell junk for a living. All you sell is useless crap that nobody wants.

Fred: You wanna take this outside, sucka?

Grady: Bring it on. It dont have to be outside.

:::I look at Fred and Grady and they are circling one another.:::

Barney: Calm down you two. Cant you be civilized for once?

Foley: You two, follow me. Just step through this door right here. Ah.. Hit the switch.

Jerry: Got it. You made a terrible choice to bring to our time, you idiot. You, and Foley are banned from bringing people to our generation.

Barney: It was actually pretty funny to see two old men get into a fight. Calm down. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. They could have caused a citywide panic. Not many people can afford a time machine. I look forward my opponents this week. Roxy Nova is a fool if she thinks she can take me on in a match. Sam Hain? Why are you here.. You are the biggst mistake in this match. Lunatic is a joke. He films a promo using dogs and then magically wakes up in a pet shop. Go figure. Does it make sense? No, of course not. That is his personality, baby. He is a weirdo. You really dug yourself a hole against me because you aren’t walking out on your feet. HardHead is suffering the same fate because this is my destiny. This is my time to shine. This isnt your time. HardHead, you are just a jobber. Armageddon X, Scott Young, and QC Thug, you three are no threat to me. You are probably gonna forget the match and not show leaving me less people to go through which is awfully nice of you. Justin Kade is also another no talent hack we got in this match. Why?

Jerry: Exactly. This should be a walk in the park for you. You got it made. You are moving up in the world. These people are nothing to you. Jewert is a joke pretty much. He has nothing on the Greenman. Someone is at the door..

Barney: I will get it.

:::I climb upstairs and head to the door and open it to see Xander Azula appear.:::

Xander: Can i come in?

Barney: Sure you can. Come right in, buddy.

:::I let Xander in and we start to walk towards the living room.:::

Barney: Foley! Jerry! Come up here. Xander Azula is here. So Xander, how has it been?

Xander: Its been good. I heard about your match against those 11 people. I believe you can do it. I know who Roxy Nova is.. She should not be much of a problem at all. QC Thug.. Hahaha.. Is that a typo? Chasm.. You mean the guy that got sent to Impact because he can't hang with the big boys like myself. Sam Hain. Good old Hain. I learned about him from Alex Kahrs. Hain was champ there but he cant compete with the big names here. Shadow Warrior. What a prick if ever saw one.

Foley: Exactly. I believe in Barney Green and his ability to pull this one out. He will do it because he is the best in this match sans Kevin Jewert and Roxy Nova.

Jerry: Yeah.. Barney has been training for weeks now for this. He finally broke his record of 4 pushups. He did 5! He also did 8 situps. He has never done a situp before. He is gonna prove them all wrong.

Barney: I am confident in my ability to get the Hart Title. I am your future Hart Champion. Everybody will see that. Wish Lunatic or Roxy Nova realized that. I am here to stay forever because i am that damn good. I am not backing down from anybody.

Xander: You gotta be that way in this business to succeed or you are gonna job out and thats not good if you do because you look weak. You are one the favorites to win this because out of everybody in it, you have the most experience. Whether it be in GCW, BLW, or VWF, you have always overcame the odds and showed everybody who you were and what you are about. Its like Shadow Warrior spreading his phony messages about how he can beat you. He is nothing more than a liar. Justin Kade also makes me laugh.

Barney: He has nothing on me at all. I have fought many tough opponents in my day. I have yet to back down from anyone. Thats the truth because thats what i am. I am willing to go toe to toe with anybody because there is nothing i cant accomplish. I am going out there either on a new show or Hart Champ. Thats the facts and just look at me. I got nothing to lose. This is my match. Everybody see's it.