The scene opens up in the parking lot and we see Husky Harris standing in front of a truck with Josh Bernard.
Josh Bernard: Husky, Can I get a word with you?
Husky: You sure can.
Josh: I just wanted to congratulate you on your win against Gweedo on Legacy.
Husky: Thanks. Gweedo is a tough person for sure but I just happened to have lady luck on my side.
Josh: It seems you are facing DH Matthews, Darth Bader, Gweedo, Morgan, and Danny Delphi in a Battle Royal at Lethal Injection. What are your thoughts?
Husky: I will try to survive and do my best in that match. Gweedo is a cool guy but I will do my best. Danny Delphi is probably a one hit wonnder anyway. Morgan is pretty attractive though. They don't call me the tank with a ferrari engine for nothing. DH Matthews and Darth Bader are the unknowns in this match.
Josh: Actually, Darth Bader was in WWG before.
Husky: I didn't know that. I have only been in WWG for a week now. It will be unlucky for them.
Josh: You also forgot Punk Rock Star.
Husky: Oh, him. Thats a no brainer. He may be a punk rock star but I am a good ole southern boy. I came out ready to wrestle and roll a bit. My Running Senton will leave him dazed.
Josh: I also want to know why you helped Barney Green on Legacy.
Husky: Thats a very simple situation. He was stuck in a two on one situation and thats not fair. I figured I go help the Green One to the best of my ability.
Husky goes and flexes his muscles.
Husky: You see these muscles. I got nothing to fear in this match. I may be considered an underdog by some but I will prevail because I am the tank with the ferrari engine. I may be a little bit "husky" but I can still move like a skinny boy can.
Josh: Thank you for your time, Husky.
Husky: No problem and good luck, guys.
Husky steps off the set and heads to his locker room where Barney Green is waiting.
Husky: Can I help you, Green?
Barney: Thank you for helping me on Legacy. Alex Anders got me from behind. That no good sneak.
Husky: No problem. If either of them have problem with me, I can handle it. We should form a bit of an alliance to stop The Formation.
Barney: I agree because two is better than one. Besides with you on board, the Formation won't stand a chance. A little bit of Irish and Southern Justice. Sounds good.
Green grabs a bottle of Rolling Rock and opens it. He takes a swig.
Barney: The way to survive in this business is to not make the same mistakes I did. Letting alcohol consume your life like it did to me. You gotta remain alert and vigilant. You usually can trust your boss but not in this situation. Good luck though at Lethal Injection.
Husky: Thanks. I will try my best.
The scene fades to black.
Its time for Husky's Opinion with Husky Harris. I am Husky Harris and I will be talking a bit about my opponents.
Gweedo. We fought last week and i won but I still view you as a credible opponent. Good luck because you are going to need it.
Morgan. One mighty fine looking girl. She makes my heart sing but I will look past that. How I wouldn't mind to lay down next to you but this week, you will be going over the top rope.
Danny Delphi. You can try to handle this tank but its not going to work. All you are going to feel is a tank hitting you at a hundred miles an hour like a ferrari.
Darth Bader. Somebody who will probably be gone after two matches or so. I am here to stay. He obviously isn't. He looks fairly strong but I could probably withstand his hardest punch.
DH Matthews. Good luck because you are going to need it. You will probably be eliminated first.
Punk Rock Star. I am the Country Star and Country is greater than that noise you call music. Enough said. You look like a punk and will get treated like one. I wish you the best of luck.
The time for talk is done. Its time for me to get ready to step into the ring and make a name for myself. As long as I have Green in my corner and I back him up, we should be okay. Good luck, Gentlemen and Lady. You are going to need it.