Husky Harris has been on a tear as of late by beating Michael Uha to move on to the next round of the Soul Survivor Tournament. He is going into this next epsiode of Legacy on a winning streak. He remains undefeated in single competition posting a record of 3 wins and 1 loss, the only loss was in a Battle Royal. He looks prepared for his next match against Thaddeus Rains. Time for him to step up and prove why he is the tank with the ferrari engine. The scene opens up backstage and we see Josh Bernard, wearing a grey suit, standing next to Husky Harris, who is dressed in a black tanktop with jeans and cowboy boots. Josh goes to speak.
Josh: Hi, wrestling fans. Josh Bernard here with Husky Harris. Now, Husky, you go into the next round facing off against Thaddeus Rains, who is a member of the Epitome. What are your thoughts?
Husky: Thaddeus.. You will experience my Running Senton. You ain't gonna knock this tank down. I saw what you and your boyfriends did to Barney Green. Think you are a big man. I bet you are proud. You saw what happened when Michael Uha faced me. He took off running and gave me the victory. I am going to knock you flat. You get no respect from me and will experience some good ol' southern justice. I am not afraid to jam my size 10 foot so far up your ass that when you blink, you see the front of my boot.
Josh: I agree. That was a terrible thing that happened.
The camera starts to zoom in on Husky as he speaks. He stares into the camera with a mean gaze.
Husky: The Epitome will gets its retribution when its time. In the mean time, I am walking out of Soul Survivor with the shot at getting the WWG Championship. I won't stop until that belt is around my waist. I have no fear of the Epitome of WWG. I am a third generation superstar. I will hit you so hard that your granpappy is gonna feel it. How are you gonna fight a tank, son? You ain't gonna because you don't have the guts to do it against me.
Josh: Good luck in your match against Thaddeus Rains. He is gonna be a challenge.
Husky: Thanks. I will try my best.
Husky walks away from Josh and heads to the ring as "Ramblin' Fever" by Merle Haggard starts to play. The fans starts chanting "Husky". He makes his way into the ring and grabs a mic. He goes to speak.
Husky: It feels good to be here, guys. I am going to take Thaddeus Rains to school. That no good womanizing turd. In fact, the last time I saw something as ugly as him, I flushed it. Gonna show him what I am about. You can say what you want Thaddeus but you aren't a big man. You and your goons beat up Barney Green. All because he wouldn't join Epitome. You ain't gonna do that to me because I got my license to carry a gun. I am not afraid to use it if threatened.
The crowd starts cheering louder. He looks ready to fight. He stares into the camera and looks intimidating. His face turning red with anger and rage.
Husky: You and your boyfriends are gonna learn. Im gonna kick your ass and mop the floor with you. You messed with the wrong person this time. You are gonna learn. What are you gonna say about me? That I am fat. Big deal. Hey everybody, I am fat! I never knew that. Wow. To think, I thought I was skinny all these years. Thaddeus. Time is drawing near. You are gonna be facing the tank with the ferrari engine. Can you handle it?
Husky drops the mic as "Ramblin' Fever" by Merle Haggard starts playing. He heads backstage slowly as the fans cheer his name. Will he beat Thaddeus Rains? He thinks he can do it... Only time will tell.. He makes his way backstage and encounters Barney Green.
Husky: You okay, Barn?
Barney: Don't worry about me, kid. I will be just fine. But do me a favor and give Thaddeus a punch for me.
Husky: Don't worry. This tournament will be won by me. Good luck in your match against Jai Killa and Jason Richardson.
Barney: Thanks. I am gonna need it this week. Gonna show Jason Richardson though why I am the Boston Brawler.
Barney Green opens up a bottle of Rolling Rock with his teeth and then takes a swig.
Husky: Just watch your back against The Epitome.
Barney: I should be just fine. I got a secret weapon and its not SYMPL. They are worthless in actuality. I don't need a stable to help fight my battles. I would rather fight one on one.
Husky: Right on. I agree. Its a lot easier to depend on yourself to get your mission accomplished.
Husky extends his hand to Green. Green shakes it.
Barney: Keep up the good work, Husky. Until we meet in the ring..
Husky walks away from Green as the scene fades to black. Will Husky Harris be able to rise again to the occasion? Or will Thaddeus Rains take him down a rung? History will be made.. There is no fear in his face as he stands tall against the world just like Barney Green.