And The Horse He Rode In On

~ Husky Harris- Southern Justice!!! ~


Husky Harris has made his return to WWG. He showed up at Retribution saving Barney Green from the vicious beatdown he took at the hands of Jakob Hystaria. His last appearance on WWG television was on July 6th Edition of Legacy where he lost his match against Kgosi and Tyler Hart. His record stands at three wins and three losses. Will he make an impact this week on Legacy after being gone for three months or will Hystaria just walk through him?

The camera flickers on and we see two men standing next to each other in a locker room. One of them being Husky Harris, dressed in a black and yellow WWG shirt and blue jeans with black sneakers, and the other being Barney Green, dressed in a black and gold Boston Bruins jersey and black khakis with black sneakers. Barney Green goes to speak first.

The Boston Brawler|Barney Green
"I just wanna say thank you for saving me at Retribution. I couldn't believe how Jakob Hystaria snapped like that on me."

Green takes another swig of his bottle of Rolling Rock. The amber liquid slowly going down his throat from the green bottle while Husky Harris goes to speak.

Southern Justice|Husky Harris
"No problem, Barn. I just couldn't sit back and watch anymore of that assault. I had to do something. Something that I don't regret doing because honestly, he needs to be taught a lesson. I am going to teach him a simple lesson come Leagcy. Mess with the tank and get wrecked. I can go the distance against him no problem. I am the judge, jury and excutioner and in this case against Jakob Hystaria, I rule in favor of the people. That ruling means I am going to show him some good ole fashioned southern justice."

The Boston Brawler|Barney Green
"I wanna teach you a few moves before you step into the ring with Hystaria because he knows your entire routine. Most enemies will study their enemies so I wanna show you a few of my moves so they can be in your arsenal. I figure I will teach you the Green Dream and the Foleyplex. Those two moves are a good way to shock him. He won't expect to see you use those moves because those are two of my main moves. You gotta be strategic when you wrestle. You can't rely on the same four or five moves to win the match.

Southern Justice|Husky Harris
"I will be sure to keep that in mind. I also got the advantage of learning from a veteran like you. The man that almost beat Jason Richardson. The man that holds a victory over Spencer Clark. Thanks for being willing to train me for this match. I will not let you down. How come you haven't made your return to the ring yet?"

The Boston Brawler|Barney Green
"I am still injured. I injured my neck and seperated my shoulder during that match. I am about two months away from making my return to active competition though. I will be looking to get my own revenge on Jakob Hystaria for assaulting me like that. What he was doing to Brooke Sparker wasn't right. I felt I had to do something."

Southern Justice|Husky Harris
"I feel ya on that one. I understand why you did what you did. I am going to knock Jakob Hystaria right off the horse he walked in on. All I gotta do is nail The Husky Bomb and it will be all over. I may not be a rich man. I am just a good ole country boy that works hard for everything he has. I ain't nothing more than a simple man that will personally look you right in the face and tell you that you have no chance of winning against this tank. The difference between me and most tanks is the fact that I have a ferrari engine built in me. I got the stamina and endurance on my side. I will stand my ground and show you some southern justice."

Husky Harris reaches for his water bottle and takes a swig from it. Green tosses his empty bottle of Rolling Rock into the trash and reaches into a minifridge. He grabs another bottle of Rolling Rock and opens it with his teeth. He takes a swig from it and goes to speak.

The Boston Brawler|Barney Green
"Right on, bro. I wish I could make it to Legacy this week to watch you win but he really did a number on my neck and leg when he locked on his Blurred Lines. Just do me a favor and make me proud."

Southern Justice|Husky Harris
"I will try my best to win and I can understand why you aren't going to be at Legacy. I can say this much. It's gonna be hard times for Hystaria. It will be hysteria for him because I am going to show him the truth. Hard times are slowly approaching onto that poor fool. I am destined to rise again in WWG. My goal right now is the NXT-Generation Championship. I want Slipshod to watch this match up because if we face off, it's going to be strictly business. I reckon I got this match in the bag. You can talk about me being a hillbilly all you want to, Hystari. Whatever tricks you try to throw at me isn't going to scare or intimidate me. I have seen scarier looking halloween costumes than you. You can't even spell your name correctly. I may be a redneck but I know how to spell Jacob and Hysteria correctly."

The Boston Brawler|Barney Green
"That's some great trash talk right there. I wish I could talk like that. All I got is my comedy and wit to back it up. But, we should start training though. Lets head to the local gym and I will teach you a few moves that will help you."

Southern Justice|Husky Harris
"That sounds like a good idea. Time to work on getting me into slightly better shape."

Barney Green and Husky Harris exit the lockerroom. They walk down a hallway when Green goes to speak.

The Boston Brawler|Barney Green
"Hang on a second, fella. I gotta piss like a racehorse right now. I drank too much beer."

Barney runs into the bathroom while Husky Harris waits in the hallway when we see Josh Bernard, dressed in a black suit and white tie, approach Husky Harris with a cameraman.

WWG Interviewer|Josh Bernard
"Excuse me, Mr. Harris. Can we get a few words from you on your upcoming match at WWG Legacy?

Southern Justice|Husky Harris
"Certainly you can, Josh. Jakob Hystaria. The name that I wont forget just like he won't forget my name. You think you were a big man picking on Brooke Sparker? I hate to break it you but you are going to be my bitch when we step into the ring. You are going to see what the Tank with the Ferrari Engine can do when he is pissed off. I won't back down from you or anybody you wanna throw at me. You attacked Barney Green. He had enough of seeing that display in the ring. You trying to bully Brooke Sparker like that. Green had enough. He snapped. Who can blame him? I sure can't. You attacked him. You wouldn't let go of the Blurred Lines which is why I got involved. You almost broke his leg. I got no problem fighting you. Its gonna be one hell of a clubberin when we step into the ring. You are going to experience some good ole fashion southern justice."

Barney Green comes walking out the bathroom talking on his phone.

The Boston Brawler|Barney Green
"You tell TS-Seduction that I don't get into bed for less than a six pack of Guinness a day. And-..."

WWG Interviewer|Josh Bernard
"It seems that we are being joined by WWG commentator, Barney Green. How are you holding up?"

The Boston Brawler|Barney Green
"Oh Hey! I am doing okay. Just suffering from a few minor injuries and a touch of anal bleeding but other than that, I feel fine. I may not be able to step into the ring for another two months but that doesn't mean I can't train another guy to beat the everloving piss out of you, Hystaria. That is what I plan on doing with my friend, Husky Harris, here."

WWG Interviewer|Josh Bernard
"Thank you for your time, gentlemen and good luck at Legacy."

Southern Justice|Husky Harris
"Thank you, Josh. I will try my best."

Josh Bernard and the cameraman walk away as Husky Harris & Barney Green keep talking. The camera slowly flickers off as the scene fades to black.